Ashley Huo, x2huo, 20875817
This project aims to develop a realistic fire simulation system using rasterization with a particle system, incorporating interactions with objects and environmental factors. The simulation will demonstrate realistic fire behaviors, including combustion, fuel vaporization, and interactions with the environment using advanced rendering techniques.
- Basic Fire Simulation: Implementation of a fire particle system where particles are born in a random position within a specified area, with an upwards velocity and slightly deviated acceleration.
- Color Update: Dynamic color changes based on particle lifetime.
- GPU Rendering: Rendering particles on the GPU for faster performance.
- Level-Set Method: Use of level-set methods for more accurate simulations of thin flame models.
- Vorticity Confinement: Enhance the turbulence of fire using vorticity confinement techniques.
- Collision Handling: Realistic particle interactions and collisions.
- Environmental Interaction: Fire interacting with objects in the environment.
- Faster Simulation: Optimizing algorithms for real-time performance.
- Fire as Light Source: Potential use of fire as a light source in a scene.
- Wind Effects: Adding wind forces to the particles to simulate wind effects.
- Smoke Simulation: Additional particles for smoke to enhance visual complexity.
- GLM: OpenGL Mathematics library for vector and matrix operations.
- GLFW: Library for creating windows and handling input.
- GLEW: OpenGL Extension Wrangler Library for managing OpenGL extensions.
- Particle System: Utilizes a particle-based approach to simulate fire and smoke.
- Level-Set Method: Represents thin reaction zones using level-set techniques.
- Vorticity Confinement: Enhances turbulence by computing vorticity and applying confinement forces.
- Grid-Based Methods: Efficiently handle particle interactions and vorticity confinement using spatial grids.
- Ray Marching: Used for realistic rendering of fire and smoke effects.
- The simulation is implemented in C++ using OpenGL for rendering.
- It is platform-independent as long as the required libraries are supported.
- Use the most recent version for
- Inputs: Initial parameters for the particle system, such as the number of particles, initial fuel, and temperature.
- Outputs: Visual rendering of the fire simulation and additional effects like smoke, wind, color changes, reduction,
- and interactions with objects.
- Fire and Flame Simulation using Particle Systems and Graphical Processing Units by T.S. Lyes and K.A. Hawick.
- Level Set Methods and Fast Marching Methods by Sethian.
- Physically Based Modeling and Animation of Fire by Nguyen, Fedkiw, and Jensen.
- Some texture images are from as well as github.
- Caveats: Performance may vary depending on the hardware capabilities.
- Bugs: Ensure all required libraries are correctly installed to avoid runtime errors.
- Assumptions: The simulation assumes ideal conditions for fire propagation and interactions.
Properties: Particles are born in a random position inside a circular area with upwards velocity and slightly deviated acceleration along the x and z axes.
- Use a particle system where particles are born within a specified area with an upwards velocity.
- Implement GPU rendering for faster performance.
// Basic fire particle system implementation
void reset(bool smoke, const glm::vec3& firePosition = glm::vec3(0.0f)) {
// Initialize fire or smoke particles with random positions and velocities
// ...
- Add a temperature field and modify the color of particles in the system.
Method: Add a function updateColor
to update particle color based on lifetime.
void updateColor() {
currentColor = Color::lerp(startColor, endColor, t);
currentColor.a = 1.0f - t; // Fade out over lifetime
- Use level-set methods to represent the thin reaction zone.
void applyForces(float deltaTime, const std::vector<float>& phi, const std::vector<float>& uf, const std::vector<float>& vf, const std::vector<float>& wf, int gridSize, float h) {
// Calculate the gradient (normal) of phi at the particle's position
// ...
Method: Create vertex and fragment shaders for GPU rendering and add volume for particles to enhance realism.
// Fragment shader example for rendering fire particles
vec4 marchRay(vec3 rayOrigin, vec3 rayDir, float tMin, float tMax) {
// Ray marching logic for fire rendering
// ...
- Use vorticity confinement techniques to simulate small-scale turbulence and swirling effects.
Method: Use vorticity confinement techniques to simulate small-scale turbulence and swirling effects.
glm::vec3 vorticity(0.0f);
for (auto& neighbor : cell) {
if (particle != neighbor) {
glm::vec3 r = neighbor->position - particle->position;
glm::vec3 v = neighbor->velocity - particle->velocity;
if (glm::length(r) < neighbor->size && glm::dot(r, r) != 0) {
vorticity += glm::cross(v, r) / glm::dot(r, r);
for (int dx = -1; dx <= 1; ++dx) {
for (int dy = -1; dy <= 1; ++dy) {
for (int dz = -1; dz <= 1; ++dz) {
glm::ivec3 neighborIdx = idx + glm::ivec3(dx, dy, dz);
if (neighborIdx.x >= 0 && neighborIdx.x < gridResolution && neighborIdx.y >= 0 && neighborIdx.y < gridResolution && neighborIdx.z >= 0 && neighborIdx.z < gridResolution) {
for (auto& neighbor : grid[neighborIdx.x][neighborIdx.y][neighborIdx.z]) {
glm::vec3 r = neighbor->position - particle.position;
gradient += (neighbor->vorticity - particle.vorticity) / (glm::dot(r, r) + 1e-5f); // Avoid division by zero
glm::vec3 n = glm::normalize(gradient);
glm::vec3 confinementForce = epsilon * glm::cross(n, particle.vorticity);
if (!std::isnan(confinementForce.x) && !std::isnan(confinementForce.y) && !std::isnan(confinementForce.z)) {
particle.confinementForce = confinementForce;
Enable by commenting in the #define SMOKE
in the fire.h
file. Add some type particles.
- Allow fire to interact with objects, including ignition and burning of flammable objects.
Enabled by commenting in the
#define CUBE
in the header file.
Method: Implement interactions of fire with environmental objects such as cubes or other flammable objects.
void checkCubeFireCollision() {
if (cubePosition.x > 0.0f) {
cubeOnFire = true;
- Use efficient data structures like grids for fluid simulation and particles for fire and smoke.
- Leverage GPU acceleration.
Method: Optimize simulation algorithms and leverage GPU acceleration for real-time performance. Use grid-based methods to improve efficiency.
void computeVorticity() {
// Clear grid
for (auto& plane : grid) {
for (auto& row : plane) {
for (auto& cell : row) {
for (auto& particle : particles) {
glm::ivec3 idx = getGridIndex(particle.position);
if (idx.x >= 0 && idx.x < gridResolution && idx.y >= 0 && idx.y < gridResolution && idx.z >= 0 && idx.z < gridResolution) {
// Compute vorticity for each particle
for (auto& plane : grid) {
for (auto& row : plane) {
for (auto& cell : row) {
for (auto& particle : cell) {
glm::vec3 vorticity(0.0f);
for (auto& neighbor : cell) {
if (particle != neighbor) {
glm::vec3 r = neighbor->position - particle->position;
glm::vec3 v = neighbor->velocity - particle->velocity;
if (glm::length(r) < neighbor->size && glm::dot(r, r) != 0) {
vorticity += glm::cross(v, r) / glm::dot(r, r);
particle->vorticity = vorticity;
Method: Implement collision handling between particles to ensure realistic interactions.
void handleCollisions() {
for (size_t i = 0; i < particles.size(); ++i) {
for (size_t j = i + 1; j < particles.size(); ++j) {
if (checkCollision(particles[i], particles[j])) {
resolveCollision(particles[i], particles[j]);
Add wind forces to particles to simulate wind effects.
Enable by commenting in the
#define WIND
in the header file.
Method: Add wind forces to the particles to simulate wind effects.
void applyWindForce(float deltaTime) {
for (auto& particle : particles) {
particle.velocity += windForce * deltaTime;
Partialy working, but the texture is not correctly mapped to the particles.
Partially working, the reflection is not correctly implemented.
- Develop a basic particle system for fire and smoke simulation.
- Model the combustion and color of fuels.
- Implement the thin flame model for the reaction zone simulation.
- Swap to GPU rendering.
- Apply vorticity confinement to enhance the turbulence of fire.
- Smoke simulation.
- Enable interaction of fire with environmental objects.
- Optimize the simulation for faster performance.
- Handle collisions between particles.
- Add wind effects to the system.
- Fedkiw, R., Stam, J., & Jensen, H. W. (2001). Visual Simulation of Smoke. SIGGRAPH 2001, ACM.
- Nguyen, D. Q., Fedkiw, R., & Jensen, H. W. (2002). Physically Based Modeling and Animation of Fire. ACM Transactions on Graphics.
- Sethian, J. A. (1999). Level Set Methods and Fast Marching Methods. Cambridge University Press.
- Osher, S., & Fedkiw, R. (2003). Level Set Methods and Dynamic Implicit Surfaces. Springer-Verlag.
- Persson, P. O. (2005). The Level Set Method. MIT Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations.
- Visual Simulation of Fire
- Realistic and Interactive Simulation of Fire
- Fronts Propagating with Curvature Dependent Speed
- Navier–Stokes Equations