Onesmus Okali Ezekiel Odutu
This spring boot application with Postgresql database. It is a rental management backend api with endpoint to varous functions for different entities that handle queries for the api.
- Java
- Spring Boot
- Postgresql
- Maven
- Intellij Idea
- Swagger UI
- Spring boot JPA
- Postgres driver
- Git clone the repository
- Open in Intellij Idea or preffered text editor
- Maven build the pom file
- Create database in postrgresql console
- Set up your database name and the password in file in resouce foder
- You're all set up 👍
Get all
- /admin/ Add admin
- /admin/add Update
- You can fork the repo and add your extra feature to the web app. Click on the following link to fork:
- If there seem to be any other bugs on the web app, do reach via [email protected]
The app is under the : MIT Licence Onesmus Okali 2020