bash <(curl -Ls
if you are installing v2ray from scratch you can use these steps (recomended):
- Set domains
- Install Nginx and get certs
- Install 3X-UI panel
- From x-ui install Geo, BBR, fail2ban(if you want, up to you)
- Allow Ports you need using ufw
- You can use the the ssl you got for your domain in your panel, for that you can use the command below to find the path
sudo certbot certificates
- Install Warp (more details below)
- Done
for Warp you have the options to choose 3x-ui script from the panel itself or you can use the one provided here made by hamid-gh98 if you use hamid-gh98 from my script add the json code below to your v2ray panel https://yourdomain:port/panel/settings --> Xray Configuration --> Advanced Template
"type": "field",
"outboundTag": "WARP",
"domain": [
"ip": [
after the installation you can use the option
warp a
to change to warp plus (you can easily get warp plus key from telegram Bots or any other way possible on the internet)