TODO App in Yii2 & Angular 1.6
Using InnoDB as a storage.
- Install frontend dependencies
bower update
- Install backend dependencies
composer update
Create a new db, tou may use name 'todo'
Edit common/config/db.php
Run to create tables and admin account ([email protected]::root123)
./common/yii migrate
- Link your Apache or NGINX with public directory: frontend/web
Before editing run grunt, it will watch after your file changes and will recompile css, refresh page
$ grunt
Use '' as a production alias Use '' as a development alias
Remove db.local.php
- User registration
- Remind the password
- Edit profile
- Add/edit/delete tasks
- Set task one of the New/In progress/Finished statuses
- Remove users
- Make a user as admin
- Edit/remove tasks of any user
- bower
- composer
- grunt