One of the first graphical projects at 42 school, so_long is a small 2D game where a lost astronaut needs to collect energy cells to power up his ship. This project uses the school's graphical library, MiniLibX, in order to display a window, handle events, colors and textures.
Finished 02/10/2023.
Grade: 125/100
To compile, use make
or make all
. and launch the program with ./so_long map/map.ber
To compile with the bonus part, use make bonus
and launch the program with ./so_long_bonus map/bonus_map.ber
You can use either WASD or ZQSD to move the player on the map.
- The project was done on Ubuntu Budgie 23.04 and was not tested on MacOS.
- Memory leaks have been thoroughly checked with Valgrind :
valgrind --leak-check=full ./so_long map/map.ber
- To make the Minilibx compile on linux, you need to install the following packages :
sudo apt-get install xauth xorg openbox libxext-dev libbsd-dev
- Transparency is not supported by the Minilibx on linux (though is on MacOS). This article explains how to implement it on your own :