Tweeter is a simple, single-page Twitter clone.
This repository is the starter code for the project: Students will fork and clone this repository, then build upon it to practice their HTML, CSS, JS, jQuery and AJAX front-end skills, and their Node, Express back-end skills.
- Clone this repository to your local machine:
git clone
- Navigate to the project directory:
cd tweeter
- Install the project dependencies:
npm install
- Start the server:
npm run local
- Open your browser and go to:
Dynamic Tweet Posting:
- Users can create tweets of up to 140 characters.
- Tweets are submitted asynchronously and appear instantly at the top of the feed.
Error Handling:
- Displays validation errors when the tweet exceeds 140 characters or is empty.
- Errors are animated to slide into view for better user experience.
Responsive Design:
- Adapts to screen sizes:
- Mobile view (single-column layout).
- Desktop view (two-column layout with profile information on the left and tweet-related content on the right).
- Adapts to screen sizes:
Navigation Bar Compose Button:
- Toggles the visibility of the tweet form with smooth animations.
- Auto-focuses the textarea when the form is displayed.
Scroll-to-Top Button:
- Appears in the bottom-right corner when the user scrolls down.
- Clicking it scrolls the page to the top and reveals the tweet form, ready for input.
Dynamic Character Counter:
- Updates as the user types.
- Turns red if the character limit is exceeded.
Tweet Display
- Displays tweets in reverse chronological order.
- Each tweet includes:
- User's avatar, name, and handle.
- Tweet content.
- Timestamp indicating how long ago the tweet was created.
- Interactive icons (flag, retweet, heart).
- Semantic, accessible, and responsive layout using Flexbox.
- External fonts (Source Sans Pro and Bungee) for styling.
JavaScript & jQuery:
- DOM manipulation for dynamic tweet rendering.
- AJAX for asynchronous data fetching and submission.
- Fetches tweets from the backend server.
- Submits new tweets and refreshes the feed dynamically.
- Pre-built Backend:
- The backend server handles tweet storage and retrieval using a simple API.
- All interactions are through AJAX requests.
- Node.js (v5.10.x or above)
- Express
- Body-parser
- Chance
- md5
- Implement a "like" feature for tweets.
- Add user authentication for personalized profiles.
- Introduce infinite scrolling for the tweet feed.
Tweeter was developed as part of a learning exercise to practice front-end development with modern web technologies and workflows.