Welcome to my Portfolio website – built with a powerful stack that includes React, Vite, and Tailwind CSS. This trio of technologies makes sure the website works smoothly and delivers a great user experience.
Explore my portfolio website live at: https://hi-anna.com/
React: A powerful JavaScript library for building user interfaces. It provides a robust foundation for creating dynamic and interactive components.
Vite: A build tool that focuses on speed and efficiency. It allows for lightning-fast development and seamless hot module replacement.
Tailwind CSS: A utility-first CSS framework that enables rapid UI development with pre-designed utility classes. It promotes consistency and responsiveness.
Framer Motion: A React animation library that facilitates smooth and sophisticated animations and transitions, enhancing the user experience.
React Scroll: A popular library that simplifies smooth scrolling within a React application, making navigation more elegant and user-friendly.
🚀 Cutting-Edge Technology: The Portfolio website is powered by a robust tech stack, resulting in a seamless and visually appealing experience.
📱 Fully Responsive: I've taken the extra effort to ensure that the website functions smoothly on various devices and screen sizes.
⚡ Smooth Scroll with Framer Motion and React Scroll: With the integration of Framer Motion and React Scroll, scrolling through the website is incredibly smooth, which adds a touch of elegance to the navigation.
✅ Best Practices and Standards: I've followed the best practices and industry standards to enure the application's reliability, scalability, and overall robustness.