This repository includes a java Social Media Application which constitutes the semester project for the Programming II class
Run mvn clean compile assembly:single
Run java -jar "./target/our-social-media-app-1.0-jar-with-dependencies.jar"
- A Welcome Message and the Main Menu is printed in the command line after running
- The user makes a selection from the menu (Sign-up, Login, or Exit). All selections are made inputting the corresponding selections number in the terminal
- If his selection is Sign-up, the sign-up process initiates and he inputs his personal information following the on-screen instructions
- If his selection is Login, the login process initiates and he is asked to input his credentials. For steps 3 and 4, there is a validation process for inputs which must match specifics
- If his Selection is Exit, then the Application prints a goodbye message and terminates after 30 seconds.
- When the user has signed-up or logged-in, the home menu is displayed and he is asked to make a selection in order to proceed. The screen differs depending on the declaration of the type of user
- Feel free to contribute your ideas or suggestions by opening an issue
- Make sure to keep in mind what is stated in
- This project is licensed under the EUPL 1.2
- More info about the licence can be found in