Express.js-Note-Taker is an application for a user to write and save notes. Then delete them when the time comes. This application uses an Express.js back end to save and retrieve data from a JSON file.
No installation required. Tne application is deployed to Heroku:
- The landing page presents a link to a notes page.
- Click the link.
- On the new page, existing notes are listed in the left.
- On the right section of the page, enter a new note title and note text. Click the disk icon to save.
- The new note title will display on the left section.
- Click on an existing note title to display the note.
- Click the + icon for empty fields to create a new note.
- Click the trashcan icon to delete a note.
Licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details.
Starter code from
Thanks to tutor Dominique Meeks Gombe! Please contact me with additional questions at [email protected].