This is a collection of JSON schemas for Minecraft data objects. They are designed to be used with Visual Studio Code to provide validation and completion suggestions.
The schemas are based on information from the Minecraft Wiki.
To use one of these schemas in Visual Studio Code, simply add the following property to a JSON document:
"$schema": "<Minecraft version>/<schema name>.json"
Alternatively, you can add the following properties to your settings file to automatically apply a schema based on the file path:
"files.associations": {
"pack.mcmeta": "json"
"json.schemas": [
"fileMatch": [ "assets/minecraft/advancements/*.json", "data/advancements/*.json" ],
"url": ""
"fileMatch": [ "assets/minecraft/models/block/*.json" ],
"url": ""
"fileMatch": [ "assets/minecraft/blockstates/*.json" ],
"url": ""
"fileMatch": [ "assets/minecraft/models/item/*.json" ],
"url": ""
"fileMatch": [ "assets/minecraft/loot_tables/*.json", "data/loot_tables/*.json" ],
"url": ""
"fileMatch": [ "pack.mcmeta" ],
"url": ""
"fileMatch": [ "assets/minecraft/sounds.json" ],
"url": ""