Made during Winter Break 2020-2021
It compiles and simulates (some) verilog files!
Verilog Language Refrence:
This webapp is meant to provide a simple debugging tool for Computer Engineering students taking a Digital Systems class, without all of the complexities of the Quartus Prime software. Therefore, the scope if this webapp is limited to the features of the language students use to write their code. Unfortunatly, this means that code that uses more complex aspects of the verilog language can not be run using this simulator.
Module declaration
IO/Wire statements
Module usage Built in primitive modules can be used as well as custom modules Supported primitives: not, and, nand, or, nor, xor, xnor
Assign statements Parses bitwise operations: ~, &, ~&, |, ~|, ^, ~^, <<, >>, concatention : {a,b,c,d}, duplication: {8{a}}
Numbers ex: 8h'FF, 4, b'101
endmodule statements
- Any kind of if statements
- always, begin, reg, end
- Literally anything not mentioned in the Code Parsing Section
- User can select which module to simulate
- User can type values into the input boxes
- Inputs can be either binary, hex, or decimal
- Shows IO/Wires inside selected module
- Shows submodules inside selected module
- Submodules can to be expanted to see internal IO/Wires and internal submodules