Midonet / Zookeeper scripts for syncing missing network ports / bridge mac_maps missing after upgrade
usage: zk_neutron_pathdump.py [-h] [--file FILE] [--username USERNAME]
[--password PASSWORD]
[--project_name PROJECT_NAME]
[--project_domain_id PROJECT_DOMAIN_ID]
[--user_domain_id USER_DOMAIN_ID]
[--auth_url AUTH_URL]
[--endpoint_type ENDPOINT_TYPE] [--bridge]
Neutron port dump for Zookeeper import.
Used to generate Mido Zookeeper paths for network ports and bridge "mac_maps".
Use the --bridge option to switch between the functionality.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--file FILE Filepath to dump ZK paths (Will dump to stdout if not
--username USERNAME Openstack Username, will prompt if not set
--password PASSWORD Openstack Password, will prompt if not set
--project_name PROJECT_NAME
Openstack project name
--project_domain_id PROJECT_DOMAIN_ID
Openstack project domain id
--user_domain_id USER_DOMAIN_ID
Openstack user_domain_id
--auth_url AUTH_URL Openstack auth_url
--endpoint_type ENDPOINT_TYPE
Openstack endpoint_type
--bridge Dump bridge mac_maps
usage: zk_path_create.py [-h] [--host HOST] [--port PORT] [-v] [--dryrun]
Zookeeper path creation tool.
This is a simple tool that takes a file containing paths seperated by newlines and checks for their existance.
If the paths do not exist, the tool will ask if it should create them.
Could be used to add missing network ports and bridge mac_maps.
Using --bridge will add a extra check on network existence before adding the paths.
positional arguments:
file File containing paths to import
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--host HOST Hostname or IP-address towards Zookeeper
--port PORT Port towards Zookeeper
-v Be more verbose
--dryrun Only print, do not actually create
--bridge Create missing bridge ports (Adds extra check on network