This game is similar to the popular hang man game. The user gets 5 fresh guesses to guess the correct word letter by letter. Case sensitivity does not matter in this program. Also, if a letter is submitted more than once, it only counts as one guess. For example, if the user input "A" twice and it was wrong both times, it will only subtract 1 guess.
- Must have gradle installed
- Must have a terminal of some sort (Apple machines already have one)
- Java
- Gradle
- Kotlin
- Download this repository as a file by clicking on code -> download zip
- Navigate to the base directory of this game in your terminal
- In the command line, type "gradle run -q --console=plain"
- Hit enter and enjoy the game!
- I have already written unit tests to test the class that keeps track of guessed letters
- To run these tests, make sure to be in the base directory and type "gradle test"
- There is a default dictionary.txt file in the app file with a few random words
- You can add more words by editing this txt file and typing more words on seperate lines