This repository includes a few projects I worked on during my PG Diploma in Data Science. I've included the R-script with detailed comments and pdf files for consolidated presentations wherever applicable. The raw data files for these projects have not been uploaded. However, I may share it exclusively with anyone particularly interested in the details of the Project. I've included a brief description of each project below.
Please Note: If you are a current or future student of the PGDDS program offered by IIIT-Bangalore. I encourage you to ask questions and ask for clarifications. However, I strongly discourage you from integrating sections of the code for your submissions. Every submission is evaluated by a plagiarism checker. A handful of students from my cohort have been penalized for indulging in such activities.
Project Description: [1] Supply-Demand gap analysis for Uber-India: I Performed exploratory data analysis using R and Tableau to identify underlying patterns resulting in driver initiated cancellation and non-availability of taxis particularly for airport trips leading to loss of revenue for Uber.
[2] Analysis of loan application to detect Credit Loss: Performed exploratory data analysis using R to detect the driving factors leading to loan default or credit loss thereby aiding in portfolio and risk assessment.
[3] Automobile Pricing Model: Developed a regression model to predict the price of cars in the American automobile market with 90.6% accuracy by analyzing 7 physical and intangible attributes of the vehicle.
[4] HR Analytics Model: Developed a logistic regression model to forecast the liklehood of an employee to Attrition an Organization.