Alusus bindings for Google reCAPTCHA. This library is designed to work with WebPlatform.
These steps assume you already have a WebPlatform project and you want to add Recaptcha to it.
- Add the library to your project:
import "Apm";
Add other dependencies if they aren't already added in your project either directly or indirectly. In addition to WebPlatform, this library depends on the following packages:
- Srl.Net
- Srl.Memory
- Srl.Fs
- Srl.System
- Srl.String
- Srl.SrdRef
- Json
- Promises
Initialize the server side of the library by calling this function outside any endpoints:
- Initialize the frontend inside the endpoint that displays the captcha:
- Add your captcha to your view the same way you add any other component, giving it your reCAPTCHA sitekey. You will need to capture a reference to the component so you can use it later when submitting the data.
class ParentView {
@injection def component: Component;
def captcha: SrdRef[Recaptcha.Captcha];
handler this~init() {
def self: ref[this_type](this);
this.view = Box().{
self.captcha = this;
- Before submitting the data make a call to grab the response from the captcha:
def token: String = this.captcha.getResponse();
if token == "" {
// show error to the user
} else {
// submit your data and include the token.
- In the backend verify the received token:
if Recaptcha.verify(recaptchaSecret, token) {
// Success. Proceed with the operation.
} else {
// Failure. Return an error to the caller.
Tokens are only usable in a single call to verify
. To re-use the captcha after verify
is called you
need to reset the captcha using the reset
member function so that you can get a new token. The user in
this case will need to re-check the captcha box.