This software guarantees availability of orion transaction manager. The code aims to work hand in hand with the operating system. If for some reason Orion fails then the software restarts orion service.
Currently this code is being used in the lacchain network by writer nodes that execute private transactions. The installation has been automated in the lacchain-network repository by using ansible.
When running, the software monitors the following:
- Orion Node url
- Orion Client url
- Orion Java process: Monitors the heap and old space.
- Golang
$ https://github.com/lacchain/node-health-check.git
$ cd node-health-check/
$ export GO111MODULE=off && go get ./... && go build -o health-check
Run the code with:
$ go run health-check
If you have installed this software by using the ansible for lacchain network then you can check the logs by using:
$ journalctl -fu health-check.service