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Test cases assignment

In this assignment, you are required to write some test cases for the stateful smart contract. This contract is based on the previous assignment.

Write positive test cases to ensure that the smart contract works in the intended way and negative test cases to ensure transactions are rejected if they do fail the logic checks within the contract.

Positive test cases

Complete the code in test/success_tests.js. Write test cases to cover these scenarios,

Deploys game contract successfully

  1. Initial monster health is same as the value specified during deployment.
  2. Initial max damage is set to 0.

Account opts in successfully

  1. Initial player damage is set to 0.

Attacks monster successfully

  1. Max damage and monster health is updated.
  2. Player damage is updated
  3. Highest player damage address is recorded.

Reward player successfully

  1. MVP player receives the reward.

Negative test cases

Complete the code in test/negative_tests.js. Write test cases to cover these scenarios,

  1. Initialize monster with < 5 Health fails.
  2. Attacking a monster with 0 health fails.
  3. Reward player when monster is alive.
  4. Reward player fails when address is accounts is different from global state.
  5. Reward player fails when called by non-creator

Feel free to include additional test cases if necessary.

Setup instructions

Install python packages via AlgoKit

run algokit bootstrap poetry within this folder

Install JS packages

run yarn install

Update environement variables

  1. Copy .env.example to .env
  2. Update Algorand Sandbox credentials in .env file
  3. Update accounts in .env file

Initialize virtual environment

run poetry shell

Compile Contracts

  1. run python
  2. run python

Run Tests

  1. run yarn run mocha tests/success_tests.js
  2. run yarn run mocha tests/negative_tests.js


Smart Contract Test Cases






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