An angular+electron application to use as a server for watch-a-movie (client)
Its created with the template of 👍
It consist of an angular application for the front end and an express server with electron to handle file system.
git clone
npm install
npm start
npm run electron:build
Bulding the application will create a release folder with a .msi installer.
(You can change the target file in the electron-builder.json).
The server creates a file 'watch-a-movie-server.json' in the appData of the user.
This file keeps information for the movies (title, duration, videoPath, etc..).
There is a UI for adding, deleting, editing movies. Any watch-a-movie client
can request from this server and watch movies.
If you want to see this client click the link above.
Disclaimer: This is intended as a LAN server and not for production.