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WHAT'S IN THE BOX? It's the severed head of WordPress!


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This is Where WordPress Loses its Head

The goal of this plugin is to make it simple-ish to run a headless WordPress installation serving only JSON responses from the native REST API. When we build React-based (or really anything-based) front ends, there are some super-common things we need to do to make sure everything plays nice together. This plugin aims to capture all the most common features in one go:

  • Redirect all front-end requests to the WordPress site to their respective proper routes on the real front end.
  • Tweak permalinks so that they don't aim at the WordPress site, but rather at the front end.
  • Allow post previews to work by sending JSON to the front end as a POST request.
  • Add SEO data to singular WordPress entities, like posts and pages, in the API.
  • Decide which shortcodes to render in WordPress and which to pass along to the front end.

Getting Started

You can just download this plugin, place it in your plugins folder and activate it like any other WP Plugin. A better way, if you're using Bedrock and Composer for your plugins, is to add this to your composer.json's respositories block:

  "type": "package",
  "package": {
    "name": "alephsf/headless",
    "version": "1.1.2",
    "type": "wordpress-plugin",
    "source": {
      "url": "",
      "type": "git",
      "reference": "master"

And then require it in the require block like this:

    "alephsf/headless": "*"

NB! You must specify a new version number in the first block every time you want to pull an upgraded version of this plugin.

Headless will not work until you have at least the HEADLESS_FRONTEND_URL constant set! Set the following values wherever you place custom constants. We use Bedrock so they generally go in an .env file, but you can also drop them into application.php or your wp-config.php if you're old-school:

  • HEADLESS_FRONTEND_URL (required string) - Should be the URL, including the https:// where your site's front end appears. No trailing slashes, please!
  • HEADLESS_SHORTCODE_WHITELIST (optional array of strings) - Specify which shortcodes should be parsed by WordPress, i.e. blockquote. Note that this must be set in PHP, as .env files can't use arrays. A good place would be in the application.php if you're using Bedrock.
  • HEADLESS_POST_PREVIEW (optional boolean, defaults to true) - Whether or not to hijack post previews and send them to the front end for rendering.
  • HEADLESS_POST_PREVIEW_DEST (optional string, defaults to HEADLESS_FRONTEND_URL) - used to override the URL where we're sending POST requests with preview data.

Here's What it Does

When activated, this plugin does a few important things:

  • It rewrites and edits all links from WordPress to the same paths at the URL specified in the HEADLESS_FRONTEND_URL constant.
  • It disables all shortcode parsing except for any shortcodes explicitly listed in the HEADLESS_SHORTCODE_WHITELIST array. We do this because lots of shortcodes try to load external scripts, which is a no-no for most front-end apps. (It also means you'll have to handle those shortcodes on the front end somehow!)
  • It disables wptexturize which plays havoc with unparsed shortcodes. If you want fancy quotes, you'll have to do it without WordPress's help.
  • It adds an seoData object to REST API responses for posts and pages, which contain basic information that everyone should have in their site's <head>. It is meant to work well with Yoast SEO, so any of the page-specific overrides there will show up in the API.
  • It optionally hijacks the post preview button by sending the entire post's data to a URL of your choosing via a POST request. What you do with the data is up to you, but we send it to the same place that our front-end app renders our posts.


  • Properly handle Yoast SEO sitemaps if at all possible.
  • Improve SEO data handling and generation.