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  1. Click the Login as a test user button

About my Full-Stack Cars Club APP:

Combining my passion for cars, I created this fullstack project with the primary goal of honing my TypeScript skills. I had focused on setting up a reusable and scalable codebase, laying a solid foundation for seamless integration of additional features. With everything working smoothly, my app is now at a stage where I can continually implement my new ideas into future updates.

On the frontend

  • Users can create a Post with an image, then submit this multipart/form-data request with all the input values appended to a FormData.
  • I'm converting the backend's image value - a binary data - into a src value using a function that first converts it to Uint8Array instance, then I'm grabbing the buffer property value & passing it as an argument to the Blob's constructor (but passing the whole instance works as well). Finally with URL.createObjectURL I'm creating a URL from this Blob that is used as the src value.

On the backend

  • I'm using Multer middleware to process the FormData received from a multipart/form-data request with the storage option memoryStorage(), then using upload.single instance middleware to populate req.file with metadata about the image. My controller only stores the binary data from the buffer property into my PostgreSQL as a BYTEA column type.
  • My refresh_tokens and posts tables both have a MANY-TO-ONE relationship with my users table.

Technologies used:

TypeScript + ReactJS with Redux Toolkit + NodeJS with ExpressJS and MulterJS + PostgreSQL Database. Vite for faster workflow experience.


NOTE: I'm still working on this fullstack project - it's not yet finished & my main goal is to improve my TypeScript skills.

Plans & Features (in non-technical way):

  • Login & Register sections.
  • Section for cars info & specifications: Catalog.
  • Section for posting cars for sales (allowed by all users): Marketplace.
  • Posts will be connected to the OP user (original poster) & they can update or delete their post.
  • Users not related to a particular post will be able to comment; they will be related to their own comment & be able to update and delete their own comment.

Technologies used:

Postgres DB, TypeScript, ReactJS with Redux Toolkit, NodeJS with ExpressJS

Run my frontend project

  • Clone this project.
  • Navigate (cd) into your project directory.
  • Run npm install in your command line.
  • Run npm run dev in your command line.
  • Visit http://localhost:5173 in your browser.
    • Vite version 4 has changed the PORT from 3000 to 5173.
  • For the full functionality connect it with my backend project.

How to's

  • If you want to deploy this app on Netlify you should copy the code included in my netlify.toml file.
  • For most of my SVG icons I've used a PNG version of icons8 and then converted that PNG into SVG using sites like


Extras & Journals & Plans here (frontend reminders for me; no need to go in there - it's the size of a book 😊.)