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Features Turn based ATB Combat

Albeoris edited this page Feb 14, 2022 · 2 revisions

Traditionally in Final Fantasy games, ATB gauge continues to fill up if the player hasn't selected any of commands even if you set waiting mode. Thus, a player can wait for the move of the enemy or another character.

The options in this section allow you to override this behavior and wait for a command to be selected.


  1. The feature make sense for games with an ATB system: FF4-6
  2. The feature only works if the ATB waiting mode is selected in the game settings.
  3. For better experience, it's recommended to select the maximum battle speed in the game settings.


Some options are turned off by default. To change them you need to edit the configuration file.


## Changes waiting mode to turn-based mode. ATB will not increase while the command window is open.
# Setting type: Boolean
# Default value: false
TurnBased = false

## Allows the ATB increase until the next character's turn.
# Setting type: HotkeyGroup
# Default value: F
# Acceptable keys: Ctrl+Alt+Shift+Key:
# Acceptable actions: Ctrl+Alt+[Action]+[Action]: [None], [Enter], [Cancel], [Shortcut], [Menu], [Up], [Down], [Left], [Right], [SwitchLeft], [SwitchRight], [PageUp], [PageDown], [Start]
NextTurnKey = F

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