To empower users with a tool that not only predicts future COVID-19 statistics but also provides a visually engaging and insightful representation of the data through the integration of Tableau.
This project focuses on predicting future COVID-19 statistics for specific states using a Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) model implemented with TensorFlow/Keras. The application, built with Streamlit, allows users to input a state name and a future date, and it provides predictions for confirmed cases, recovery cases, and deaths. Additionally, the project integrates Tableau for detailed data visualization, showcasing a dynamic dashboard with insights into the COVID-19 data.
- LSTM Model: Utilizes a machine learning model based on LSTM architecture to predict future COVID-19 statistics.
- Streamlit Interface: User-friendly interface for inputting state and date, displaying predictions, and offering additional analysis options.
- Tableau Integration: Embeds a Tableau visualization to provide users with a detailed analysis and insights into the COVID-19 data.
- Streamlit for the web application interface.
- TensorFlow/Keras for building and training the LSTM model.
- Tableau for data visualization and analysis.
To run this project on Google Colab
- Upload the following files on colab notebook
- covid_virus_dataset.csv
- entire_model.joblib
- scaler.pkl
- In the notebook Run the following commands -
!pip install streamlit -q
!wget -q -O -
!streamlit run & npx localtunnel --port 8501
For detailed process refer to the following video :
- SameerKulkarni20
- ak_639