This is an educational and enjoyable project designed to provide insights into the financial markets, specifically focusing on stocks listed on the National Stock Exchange (NSE). This project employs comprehensive fundamental analysis techniques to uncover valuable insights into company performance, utilizing financial statements and key indicators to evaluate growth prospects and profitability.
I scrape the fundamentals of the companies using the beautifulsoup package. Also, use Yahoo Finance API to retrieve historical stock prices. The fundamentals and historical prices are plotted on the same graph, which helps to analyze the company's growth.
Access the Web App: Visit the web app link to access the Stock Fundamental Analysis Web App.
Select Company: Choose a company listed on the National Stock Exchange (NSE) to analyze its fundamentals.
Explore Fundamentals: Dive into comprehensive fundamental analysis, exploring financial statements and key indicators.
Visualize Data: Utilize interactive visualization tools to gain insights into company performance and growth prospects.
Enjoy Learning: Delve into the world of financial markets and stock analysis while enjoying an educational and enjoyable experience.