Translating the arcane language of CoreMIDI into one natural to iOS.
Note: This framework is still not feature complete. Most notably, MIDI Receive operations have no effect at this time.
- High level semantics for MIDI operations, e.g.
- Normalises the API for Network, Hardware/App, and Virtual connections
- Network MIDI scanning made easy(er)
- Audiobus Support (in progress)
- UserDefaults stores and restores manual network connections
- Arbitrary number of virtual source/destinations
- API Simplicity with optional granularity,
- Public exposure of CoreMIDI objects for digging deeper
_midiSession = [MFMIDISession sessionWithName:@"Your App Name"];
_midiSession.networkEnabled = YES;
_midiSession.restorePreviousConnectionStates = YES;
_midiSession.autoEnableDestinations = YES;
_midiSession.midiChannel = 0;
// Create the Virtual Source to expose to other apps
[_midiSession]; // disabled by default
// ...some time later...
[_midiSession sendNoteOn:64 velocity:127];
[_midiSession sendPitchbend:0x3FFF];
// etc
For more, see the MFMIDISession.h
Connection: A source or destination for MIDI Messages
Message: NoteOn, NoteOff, CC, Pitchbend, Program Change, Channel Aftertouch, Poly Aftertouch, Sysex
Virtual Source/Destination: Connections which we create in the app with a specified name which show up in other apps. Keep in mind that when the app is a VirtualSource it means it is a MIDISource for other apps. Locally it appears as a MIDIDestination because we output to it
"Connect" vs "Enable": "Connect" refers to discovering the existence of a physical/virtual/wifi connection. All devices are auto-connected so-to-speak in that they are discovered by the system scan. "Enable" indicates whether they send/receive midi messages when you send them through MIDISession. This is slightly confusing in the code as "en/disabling" a Network Connection does indeed "connect/disconnect" the host from the MIDINetworkSession (see notes above). This is one example of the abnormal lingo in CoreMIDI that MIDIFish seeks to normalise.
Setting restorePreviousConnectionStates
causes previous connections, when re-discovered, to be enabled/disabled based on their value from a previous run of the app. Currently, it does NOT restore Virtual Connections or IP based network ones which were discovered
Network Connections have their Sources and Destinations coupled such that enabling/disabling one enables/disables the other.
MIDINetworkHost's created with NSNetService's discovered by Bonjour are currently unreliable. I believe this is due to an IPv6 address being interpreted as IPv4 ( the actual IPv4 address (NSNetService::resolve results in 2 address) is ignored. In the client, we manually resolve the NSNetService and then connect with a MIDINetworkHost instantiated with IP/Port. (See