Mobile application for To-Do List.
- Creating the App: Developed a mobile app that works on both Android and iOS platforms using Flutter.
- Todo Creation: Users can create todos with a title, category, and overdue date.
- Local Storage: Todo data will be saved locally using Shared Preferences, ensuring data persistence across app sessions.
- Dashboard Display: Users will see a list of todo tasks on the dashboard screen.
- Task Deletion: Users can delete a selected task by swiping it from the list.
- Light and Dark Modes: The app will have both light and dark mode options for users to choose from.
- MVC Architecture: Structured the app following the Model-View-Controller (MVC) architecture pattern to organize code and separate concerns.
- State Management with GetX: GetX, a state management library, will be used to handle the app's state effectively.
- Responsive UI: The app will have a responsive user interface that adapts to different screen sizes, ensuring it looks good on both mobile phones and tablets.
- Unit Testing: The tasks of adding and deleting were successfully tested through unit testing.