These instructions will allow you to connect to an ethereum private network.
You need the original genesis.json file from the private network and the enode from the bootnode
Install go-ethereum
pi$: sudo add-apt-repository -y ppa:ethereum/ethereum
pi$: sudo apt-get update
pi$: sudo apt-get install ethereum
Check version
$ geth version
Other Operating systems:
pi$: mkdir fileName
pi$: mkdir fileName/node
pi$: cd fileName
Put the same genesis.json file from the private network into "fileName" and init the node
fileName$: geth --datadir node/ init genesis.json
Create a new account (you can create as many you want) and save the data
fileName$: geth --datadir node/ account new
fileName$: echo 'password' >> node/password.txt
fileName$: echo 'address' >> accounts.txt
Create a sh file to run your node
fileName$: touch
Modify the file with this string: remove [] and write your configuration
geth --datadir node/ --syncmode 'full' --minerthreads=1 --port [] --rpc --rpcaddr '[]' --rpcport [] --rpcapi 'personal,db,eth,net,web3,txpool,miner' --bootnodes '[]' --networkid [] --gasprice '0' -unlock '[]' --password node/password.txt --mine --ipcpath "~/fileName/node/geth.ipc"
Make your sh file executable
fileName$: chmod +x ./
fileName$: ./
Open a new terminal
filename$: cd node
node$: geth attach geth.ipc
Now you can interact with the blockchain from console. For the full list of command check: