Also known as webINTELLECT, webINTELLECT(Pty) Ltd is a South African-based company specializing in web-based applications. With a focus on designing, developing, implementing, and maintaining web-based transactional applications, we have provided full-fledged business applications to a wide range of industries, delivering great success.
As the world embraces a new paradigm of remote work, meetings have shifted to the virtual realm. MeetingPal is an app designed to manage online meetings, bridging the gap for formal meetings that are difficult to conduct virtually.
With MeetingPal, your phone becomes a voting button, allowing you to securely vote remotely from anywhere in the world using your mobile device. You can draft meeting agendas, send invitations, and manage various types of meetings such as annual general meetings (AGMs), special general meetings (SGMs), trustee meetings, director meetings, and round-robin resolutions. MeetingPal simplifies meeting procedures and processes, ensuring compliance with regulations governing notice, quorums, proxies, types of resolutions, and vote counting.
At Absolit, we value the open-source community, and we actively contribute by providing free and open-source software to support developers worldwide.
Simple WildDuck is a free and open-source wrapper for the WildDuck API. It simplifies API requests by providing well-documented TypeScript functions, making it easy to integrate WildDuck into any project.