This python package is being developed to facilitate the use of the NLTE model atmosphere and line synthesis FASTWIND code. FASTWIND stands for Fast Analysis of STellar atmospheres with WINDs.
The FASTWIND code has been described in the following papers:
- Santolaya-Rey et al. (1997)
- Puls et al. (2005)
- Rivero González et al. (2011)
- Puls et al. (2020)
This package depends on another github repository named LHS-MDU
which can be found here.
Additionally, the package depends on the following python packages:
- Python 3.8.5 or above
- numpy 1.21.5 or above
- astropy 5.1 or above
- matplotlib 3.5.2 or above
// Instructions for using the package will come at some point...
Marta Lorenzo (CAB Torrejón) for helping in the development of the package. Joachim Puls (LMU München) for developing the FASTWIND code.