Creating a Java Swing application to generate QR codes involves using the Swing GUI toolkit along with a QR code generation library. In this example, we demonstrate how to create a simple Java Swing application that generates QR codes using the ZXing library. The developed application is designed to generate a QR code for URL QR codes, text QR codes, phone number QR codes, SMS QR codes, contact QR codes, and email QR codes..
Once you've completed the information, you can save it to a specific drive or location. You can also copy and paste it, for example, in Vcard or a Whatsapp group, or wherever you want.
A QR code, short for "Quick Response code," is a two-dimensional matrix barcode that contains information that can be quickly scanned and decoded using a smartphone, QR code reader, or other devices equipped with QR code scanning capabilities. QR codes were first developed in Japan in 1994 by Denso Wave, a subsidiary of Toyota, to track automotive parts during the manufacturing process. Since then, they have gained widespread popularity for a variety of applications due to their efficiency in storing and quickly retrieving information.
1- [zxing] - BarcodeFormat, WriterException, MatrixToImageWriter, BitMatrix, QRCodeWriter (Package)
2- [javaswing] (GUI Framework)
My inspiration for developing this application was
In the next version, I will add all other components as well, like Bitcoin QR Code, MP3 QR Code, WiFi QR Code, and so on.
Furthermore, I developed URL QR codes, text QR codes, phone number QR codes, SMS QR codes, contact QR codes, and email QR codes.
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I'm a Java developer, and I graduated in 2021, and subsequently, I worked for one year at Neptune Company. Following that, I have continued to work independently 🦾🔥 on my own projects....