Targeted Attack on Deep RL-based Autonomous Driving with Learned Visual Patterns
The end to end implementation of paper follows a series of below steps
- Obtaining a policy
- Collecting data from simulator
- Training dynamics model
- Optimizing the perturbation for physical adversarial attack
- Testing the physical adversarial attack
- Evaluating robustness of attack to object position
Please refer to for setting up the environment for this repository.
We used a policy obtained using Actor-Critic algorithm for which the pretrained agent is taken from this repo and modified a bit for our use.
We collect data by running the agent with pretrained + noise policy as explained in the paper. This is done using below commands for all three driving scenarios.
python data_collection/ --same-track --rollouts 1 --rootdir datasets --policy pre --scenario straight
python data_collection/ --same-track --rollouts 9999 --rootdir datasets --policy pre_noise --scenario straight
python data_collection/ --same-track --rollouts 1 --rootdir datasets --policy pre --scenario left_turn
python data_collection/ --same-track --rollouts 9999 --rootdir datasets --policy pre_noise --scenario left_turn
python data_collection/ --same-track --rollouts 1 --rootdir datasets --policy pre --scenario right_turn
python data_collection/ --same-track --rollouts 9999 --rootdir datasets --policy pre_noise --scenario right_turn
NOTE: The data collection scripts provide multiple options to get more datasets with different policy types if wanted.
Dynamics model is trained using two models (VAE and MDRNN)
python dynamics_model/ --dataset scenario_straight
python dynamics_model/ --dataset scenario_straight
NOTE: Change --dataset
argument to scenario_left_turn
and scenario_right_turn
for other two driving scenarios
python attacks/ --scenario straight
To optimize for other scenarios, change scenario argument to left_turn
TIP: use --help
to know available arguments and play around with different time steps, perturbation strength etc.
The perturbations are by default saved in attacks/perturbations
folder segregated by each driving scenario. Further,
we are providing our optimized perturbations shown in paper under attacks/perturbations_ours
folder to easily allow
for testing in next step.
python attacks/ --scenario straight
If you want to use our perturbations, append argument --perturbs-dir attacks/perturbations_ours
to the command. The
above command runs all the experiments shown in the paper. Add optional argument --save
to save the figures, videos
in results
folder. We already provided the results based on our perturbations in results
python attacks/ --scenario straight
If you want to use our perturbations, append argument --perturbs-dir attacks/perturbations_ours
to the command. The
above command runs the robustness experiment shown in the paper. Add optional argument --save
to save the robustness
heatmap in results
folder. We already provided the robustness result based on our perturbations in results
We would like to thank developers of below open source code for providing policy and dynamics model implementations which are used in our code.
- Policy -
- Dynamics model -
Please cite our paper if it is used in your research:
title={Targeted Attack on Deep RL-based Autonomous Driving with Learned Visual Patterns},
author={Prasanth Buddareddygari and Travis Zhang and Yezhou Yang and Yi Ren},
journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2109.07723}