This is a visualisation for USCT data based on Volume Ray Casting.
The most part of the visualisation is represented by JavaScript. Which is broken to two main parts:
- Sci-fi-GUI library contains 6 reusable modules, which can be helpful for an implementation of similar projects.
- main.js configurates Sci-fi-GUI to defines final appearance of the application.
The final application is build by Browserify and stored at /public/usct.js.
The visualisation can be called from html file via usctVis() which requires an input of configuration object. (Example bellow)
shader_name : "secondPassFusion",
l : 100,
s : 100,
hMin : 0,
hMax : 100,
minRefl : 0,
minSos : 0,
minAtten : 0,
maxRefl : 100,
maxSos : 100,
maxAtten : 100,
opacity_factor : 80,
color_factor : 100,
xMin : 0,
yMin : 0,
zMin : 0,
xMax : 100,
yMax : 100,
zMax : 100
An application can be tested localy as static content from a simple http-server or at Firefox.