- 镜像方法
- 镜像左右mirror left and right
- 镜像中间mirror the middle
- 批量镜像multiple mirror
- 删除没有使用Delete unused
- 删除权重为0Delete zero weights
Search for the weights on the nearest vertices mapped in the corresponding direction, the best effect is achieved when the left and right structures of the model are almost the same
Search for the weights interpolated on the nearest faces mapped in the corresponding direction, the best effect is achieved when the left and right structures of the model are not too similar
直接点击镜像click mirror directly
没有左右标识符的顶点组,会翻转权重Without left-right identifiers, the vertex group will flip the weights
But when the vertex group contains left-right identifiers, corresponding vertex groups will be automatically created and the weights will be flipped
可识别的标识符recognizable identifier
适用于中间骨骼Applicable to the middle bone
Note: The middle vertex group should not have the left-right identifier 'L-R'
Clicking the symmetry button enables middle symmetry, allowing the selection of the symmetry direction for weights.
Selecting the left arrow will copy the weights from the right side to the left side
Selecting the right arrow will copy the weights from the left side to the right side
Clicking multiple buttons will activate batch mode. Selecting the left arrow will mirror all weights from the right to the left.
Selecting the right arrow will mirror all weights from the left to the right.
Enable batch mode and symmetrical operation simultaneously.
Selecting the arrow again will symmetrize the weights of the middle vertex group in the corresponding direction.
In bone weight paint mode, you can symmetrize the weights of the middle bone by selecting the corresponding bones, and simultaneously mirror the bones from the left or right side to the other side.
Note: You cannot select bones from both the left and right sides simultaneously. The plugin cannot determine which side to symmetrize to.
You can delete vertex groups that are not used by deform weights or self modifiers.
You can delete vertex groups in which the sum of all vertex weights is zero.