Simple text-based joke app.
Submit jokes:
curl -XPOST \
-d 'What do you call a factory that sells passable products? A satisfactory.'
Fetch jokes:
curl # => "10: Why did the invisible man turn down the job offer? He couldn't see himself doing it."
Upvote the jokes:
curl -XPOST jokes.jonathan-boudreau/10/up
curl -XPOST jokes.jonathan-boudreau/10/yeaman
Downvote the jokes:
curl -XPOST jokes.jonathan-boudreau/10/down
curl -XPOST jokes.jonathan-boudreau/10/naman
You can run the server in docker compose:
version: '2.1'
image: aghost7/jokemongo
jokemongo.db.url: 'mongodb://db/jokemongo'
- 8066:8066
image: mongo
This simple app was mainly built so that I can experiment with kubernetes clustering with a stateful app. As a result, its fairly simple to get going. This will be split into two parts: how to get the app running in kubernetes with the least amount of effort and how to get it running with replication.
If you don't already have kubernetes locally, make sure to check out minikube.
Spin up the cluster:
minikube start
kubectl apply -f k8s/technically-incorrect-deployment.yml
And you can now interact with the app using:
curl $(minikube service jokemongo --url) \
-d 'What is the motto of people who harvest organs? We de-liver.'
And also:
curl $(minikube service jokemongo --url)
- Azure Account
- Azure CLI of installed
Create the resource group:
az group create --name jokemongo --location canadacentral
Create the kubernetes cluster:
az aks create \
--resource-group jokemongo \
--name jokemongo-cluster \
--node-count 1 \
--enable-addons monitoring \
Load up the kubectl context:
az aks get-credentials --resource-group jokemongo --name jokemongo-cluster
Create the not-so-secret secret:
kubectl create -f k8s/sample-secret.yml
Create the resources:
kubectl create -f k8s/replicated-deployment.yml
- mongodb failover
- domain
- ssl
- any additional tasks for high availability