ST-Link v2.1 adapter. 2 devices in 1. ST-Link & USB-UART adapter
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Board to convert cheap BluePill board to STM32 SWD programmer with virtual COM-port.
Before soldering 2 boards together, remove resistor R10 from BluePill. Usualy it is 10K (103 merking). After soldering the device you need to flash it.
- Set jumpers to boot0=1, boot1=0.
- Connect USB-UART adapter to BluePill. Connect GND to GND, TX to PA10, RX to PA9. Connect power (from adapter or through USB).
- Use "flash loader demo" program to flash Unprotected-2-1-Bootloader.bin.
- After successful flashing set boot0=0 and reconnect (or connect) usb. USB-UART adapter can be disconnected, it will not be needed.
- Now we have ST-Link V2.J16.S4 STM32+STM8 Debugger and need to update it.
- Use "st-link utility 4.3.0" (exactly 4.3.0), select menu ST-LINK -> Firmware update.
- Upgrade the firmware to "STM32+Audio" (or "STM32+MSD+VCP" for 128K bluepills, if you wish. This will add a Mass Storage mode).
- Reconnect USB.
- Now we have ST-Link V2.J32.A1.
- Use STM32CubeProgrammer to update it to latest version. Press blue button "Firmware upgrade", "Open in update mode", "Upgrade".
Files in "Case" folder. Two parts, main and cover. 0.4 nozzle, 0.2 layer, no supports.