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MrZ_26 edited this page Sep 16, 2022 · 1 revision

If you want to make your own voice pack for Techmino, please refer to the guidelines in this document.

1. Filenames

**You can record multiple files for every single kind of voice. The game will randomly pick one to play during the game. **

For voices that are used to combine with other voices, please refer to the description carefully to avoid any unwanted effects.

e.g. multiple “mini” files should be named like mini_1.oggmini_2.ogg

If there is only one file, you can omit the _1 in the file name (mini.ogg).

The number suffix cannot be omitted when there are multiple files on a single voice (starting from _1).

If you want to submit your voice pack to our repository, please use .wav format.

If you want to import your voice pack into the game, please de-noise, trim, and adjust volumes for these files, and convert them to .ogg format.

2. What to Record

N.B. In this document, the phonetic guides for British English use Danial-Jones revised English IPA. The phonetic guides for American English use pronunciation respellings.

The British English IPA was adapted from Oxford English Dictionary Received Pronunciations.

The American English respellings were adapted from Merriam-Webster American English pronunciations.

2.1 Frequently-Used Line Clears

Texts to read Filenames IPA (UK) Respellings (US) Japanese (Katakana)
single single.wav /ˈsɪŋɡ(ə)l/ |ˈsiŋ-gəl| シングル
double double.wav /ˈdʌb(ə)l/ |ˈdə-bəl| ダブル
triple triple.wav /ˈtrɪp(ə)l/ |ˈtri-pəl| トリプル
techrash techrash.wav /ˈtɛkraʃ/ |ˈtek-rash| テクラッシュ
pentacrash pentacrash.wav /ˈpɛntəkraʃ/ |ˈpen-tə-krash| ペンタクラッシュ
hexacrash hexacrash.wav /ˈhɛksəkraʃ/ |ˈhek-sə-krash| ヘクサクラッシュ

2.2 Spins

Texts to read Filenames IPA (UK) Respellings(US) Japanese Descriptions
* spin *spin0.wav /spɪn/ |ˈspin| スピン You will need to replace the * in the file names with the name of the blocks and record them for multiple times.
These voice files are used for spins with no line clears. 0 is a part of the file name.
* spin *spin.wav /spɪn/ |ˈspin| スピン You will need to replace the * in the file names with the name of the blocks and record them for multiple times.
These voice files are used for spins with line clears. You should raise your tones in the end because these files are used for combining with line clear voices.
Names of the blocks IPA (UK) Respellings (US) Japanese
Tetrominoes (required)
Z /zɛd/ |ˈzē| ゼット
S /ɛs/ |ˈes| エス
J /dʒeɪ/ |ˈjā| ジェー
L /ɛl/ |ˈel| エル
T /tiː/ |ˈtē| ティー
O /əʊ/ |ˈō| オー
I /ʌɪ/ |ˈī| アイ
Pento- and Triminoes (optional)
P /piː/ |ˈpē| ピー
Q /kjuː/ |ˈkyü| キュー
F /ɛf/ |ˈef| エフ
E /iː/ |ˈē| イー
U /juː/ |ˈyü| ユー
V /viː/ |ˈvē| ブイ
W /ˈdʌb(ə)lˌjuː/ |ˈdə-bəl-ˌyü| ダブリュー
X /ɛks/ |ˈeks| エックス
R /ɑː/ |ˈär| アール
Y /wʌɪ/ |ˈwī| ワイ
N /ɛn/ |ˈen| エヌ
H /eɪtʃ/ |ˈāch| エッチ
C /siː/ |ˈsē| シー

2.3 Other special actions

Texts to read Filenames IPA (UK) Respellings (US) Japanese Descriptions
all clear all_clear.wav /ɔːl klɪə/ |ˈȯl ˈklir| オールクリア
perfect clear all_clear.wav /ˈpəːfɪkt klɪə/ |ˈpər-fikt ˈklir| パーフェクトクリア (Optional) another form of all clear.
clear clear.wav /klɪə/ |ˈklir| クリア
half clear clear.wav /hɑːf klɪə/ |ˈhaf ˈklir| ハーフクリア (Optional) another form of clear.

2.4 Other In-Game Voices

There are no fixed answers for the following voices, so you can record them as you like. Multiple files are recommended for the best experiences.

Filenames Descriptions
win.wav Voice for winning.
lose.wav Voice for failing.
welcome.wav Voice for starting the game.
bye.wav Voice for quitting the game.

3. Optional Line Clear Voices

The following voice files are used for multiple lines clears in the stack mode. They are completely optional though. The filename is the same as the texts.

Texts to read IPA (UK) Respellings (US) Japanese
heptacrash /ˈhɛptəkraʃ/ |ˈhep-tə-krash| ヘプタクラッシュ
octacrash /ˈɒktəkraʃ/ |ˈäk-tə-krash| オクタクラッシュ
nonacrash /ˈnɒnəkraʃ/ |ˈnä-nə-krash| ノナクラッシュ
decacrash /ˈdɛkəkraʃ/ |ˈde-kə-krash| デカクラッシュ
undecacrash /ʌnˈdɛkəkraʃ/ |ˌən-ˈde-kə-krash| アンデカクラッシュ
dodecacrash /dəʊˈdɛkəkraʃ/ |ˌdō-ˈde-kə-krash| ドデカクラッシュ
tridecacrash /trʌɪˈdɛkəkraʃ/ |ˌtrī-ˈde-kə-krash| トリデカクラッシュ
tetradecacrash /ˈtɛtrəˌdɛkəkraʃ/ |ˈte-trə-ˌde-kə-krash| テトラデカクラッシュ
pentadecacrash /ˈpɛntəˌdɛkəkraʃ/ |ˈpen-tə-ˌde-kə-krash| ペンタデカクラッシュ
hexadecacrash /ˈhɛksəˌdɛkəkraʃ/ |ˈhek-sə-ˌde-kə-krash| ヘクサデカクラッシュ
heptadecacrash /ˈhɛptəˌdɛkəkraʃ/ |ˈhep-tə-ˌde-kə-krash| ヘプタデカクラッシュ
octadecacrash /ˈɒktəˌdɛkəkraʃ/ |ˈäk-tə-ˌde-kə-krash| オクタデカクラッシュ
nonadecacrash /ˈnɒnəˌdɛkəkraʃ/ |ˈnä-nə-ˌde-kə-krash| ノナデカクラッシュ
ultracrash /ˈʌltrəkraʃ/ |ˈəl-trə-ˌde-kə-krash| ウルトラクラッシュ
impossicrash /ɪmˈpɒsəkraʃ/ |ˌim-ˈpä-sə-krash| インポッシクラッシュ

4. Testing Voices

There are no fixed answers for the following voices, so you can record them as you like. Multiple files are recommended for the best experiences.

Please make sure that the length of each of these files doesn’t exceed 2 seconds.

Filenames Descriptions
test.wav For testing.
happy.wav For Easter eggs. Use short laughings for this one.
doubt.wav For Easter eggs. Use something like “hmm?” for this one.

5. Unused Voices

These voice files are not used currently, but we recommend you record them in order to prepare for the future development of the game.

These voice files are all used for actions with line clears, so you should raise your tones in the end.

Texts to read Filenames IPA (UK) Respellings (US) Japanese
split split.wav /splɪt/ |ˈsplit| スプリット
air air.wav /ɛː/ |ˈer| エア
mix mix.wav /mɪks/ |ˈmiks| ミックス
colo(u)r color.wav /ˈkʌlə/ |ˈkə-lər| カラー
deep deep.wav /diːp/ |ˈdēp| ディープ