• Theme of the Project : Open Innovation / Blockchain Tech.(Ethereum)
• Detailed Explanation of the Idea : Crypto-kart is a decentralized system for customers who wants to buy some products such as phones, from the following store with beneficial of using Ethereum technology. Due to which both consumer and seller get advantages of Ethereum payment portal hence it runs without any downtime, fraud, control or interference from a third party. The consumer can also easily locates the nearest local stores with their products and services and also can proceed to online transaction through Ethereum
• Solution provided : This model makes the existing payment and E-commerce better and more reliable
• Tech Stack used : HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, Node.js, GitHub, Metamask, Ganache
• Real Time usage of the project :
•Tagline: Changing convention with Ethereum.
•Step by Step Procedure to run your respective Project in our Local Machine:
#how to run full project
->Download or clone repository ->Open all files with VS code ->Run at local host or you can just go live at local level OR Just open the link of Git deployed project.
#steps to connect Ganache
-> install Ganache application -> create a workspace -> connect Ganache server with project localhost or Metamask
#step to connect Ethereum
-> add chrome extension Metamask -> create ethereum wallet account
•YouTube Link: