To install everything needed for this project you need to have a version of Node JS and NPM installed on your machine.
$ git clone
$ cd Dark-Sky-API
$ npm install
You also need to create a config.json file in your root directory and paste the following in the file.
You need to get a Dark Sky API Key from the Dark Sky API Website and include it in the json file.
An example file has been given which you can also duplicate.
"darkSkyKey": ""
You are to utilize the Dark Sky API, as well as the Google Maps API to create an application which you can search for a location using Google's autocomplete function, to be able to tell you what the weather is like in that location.
You don't need to create a 'pretty' front-end interface for it at this stage, but rather just have a heading which tells you the location you are searching for, as well as the current weather is for that place.