Developed by the 0xBitcoin Community
A pool for mining EIP918 Tokens
See me running at
Windows GPU Miner 1
Windows GPU Miner 2
Windows GPU Miner 3
Linux GPU Miner
- npm install -g node-gyp 1.1. sudo apt-get install build-essential
You may need to do.. (depending on operating system and python version) 1.2.sudo apt-get install python2.7 1.3.npm config set python python2.7
npm install
rename 'sample.account.config.js' to 'account.config.js' and fill it with the pool's ethereum account data (make two new accounts, one for minting one for payments and fill both with a small amount of ETH)
install redis-server and start it with 'npm run redis' in another screen ('screen -S redis', ctrl+shift+A+D)
Edit pool.config.js to your tastes (optional)
Deploy two contracts (see the section below) and add their addresses to app/assets/contracts/DeployedContractInfo.json
Edit the website files in /app to change the look of the website (optional)
Install mongodb, make sure it is running as a daemon service
'npm run webpack' #(to build the website files)
'npm run server' #(or 'npm run server test 'for Ropsten test mode)
var poolconfig = {
minimumShareDifficulty: 5000, //lowest miner share difficulty
maximumShareDifficulty: 10000 //highest miner share difficulty
maxSolutionGasPriceWei: 10, //ether paid by the pool for each mint
maxTransferGasPriceWei: 6, //ether paid by the pool for each payment
poolTokenFee: 5, //percent of tokens the pool keeps for itself
communityTokenFee: 2, //percent of tokens the pool pledges to donate
minBalanceForTransfer: 1500000000,
payoutWalletMinimum: 100000000000,
allowCustomVardiff: false,
rebroadcastPaymentWaitBlocks: 500,
minPaymentsInBatch: 5,
//web3provider: "" //point at Geth or remove to use Infura
- Replace 'mintforwarder' address with your own deployed version of the contract !!!
- Replace 'batch payments' contract address as well !!! your own deployed contract !!
Here are examples of these contracts to copy and paste the code and deploy using
Mint Helper (Mint Forwarder) Contract Code:
Batched Payments Contract Code:
- Point a EIP918 tokenminer ( at your pool using http://localhost:8080 (make sure firewall allows this port)
- Start the server with 'npm run webpack' and 'npm run server test' to put it into ropsten mode
- View website interface at http://localhost:3000 (Feel free to set up nginx/apache to serve the static files in /public)
You should see that the miner is able to successfully submit shares to the pool when the share difficulty is set to a low value such as 100 and the pool is in 'ropsten mode'. Then you can run the pool on mainnet using 'npm run server'.
Digitalocean guide:
- Mongo is used to store data related to miner shares, balances, and payments
- sudo apt-get install redis
- sudo service redis-server start
- Redis will serve/connect at localhost:6379 by default - the pool will use this port
- Redis is only used for frontend non-critical data, but is required for this web application
node util/reset_all_miner_reward_data.js