- Login
- Registration
- Logout
- Profile Customization (username, email, password, display name, bio, profile picture, banner)
- Create/Delete posts
- Like/Unlike
- Comment/Delete comment
- Follow/Unfollow
- Send/Delete a message
- Search users
- Notifications
- Admin dashboard (built-in)
NOTE: These steps are for Ubuntu/Debian based systems, however, Windows and MacOS will have nearly identical steps.
Install Python 3 on your system.
Install pip. We will use pip to install the required dependencies.
sudo apt install python3-pip
Install required dependencies from requirements.txt.
pip install -r requirements.txt
Make migrations to database
python3 manage.py makemigrations python3 manage.py migrate
Create an admin user to access the Django admin dashboard
.python3 manage.py createsuperuser
Run the development server. If you get an error saying a module was not found, see manually installing dependencies
python3 manage.py runserver
If this does not work then try installing the exact version of the packages listed in requirements.txt
pip install django daphne channels
To use a database other than SQLite3, please see docs.djangoproject.com/en/5.0/ref/databases