Welcome to the Shared Shopping Lists Application! This application allows users to create, manage, and share shopping lists with others. It provides a web interface accessible via a local server running on port 7777.
Before you can run the application, make sure you have the following software installed on your system:
- Node.js: You can download it here.
Navigate to the project directory:
cd shared-shopping-lists
Docker run application:
docker compose up
For test, run:
docker compose run --entrypoint=npx e2e-playwright playwright test
The application should now be running and accessible at http://localhost:7777.
- Access the main page at http://localhost:7777.
- The main page displays the title "Shared shopping lists" and application statistics.
- Click the "Lists" link to navigate to the shopping lists page.
- Access the shopping lists page at http://localhost:7777/lists.
- Here, you can see a list of active shopping lists.
- You can add a new shopping list using the form.
- Each shopping list can be deactivated by clicking the "Deactivate list!" button.
- Access an individual shopping list page at http://localhost:7777/lists/{id}, where
corresponds to the database id of the specific shopping list. - This page shows the name of the shopping list, existing items, and allows you to add new items.
- Each item can be marked as collected using the "Mark collected!" button.
- While on an individual shopping list page, use the form to add new items.
- Items are added using the POST/Redirect/GET pattern, redirecting you to the updated shopping list page.
- On the individual shopping list page, you can mark items as collected by clicking the "Mark collected!" button.
- Collected items are visually indicated as strikethrough text.
- The main page displays application statistics.
- It shows the number of created shopping lists and items, including both active and deactivated lists and collected and uncollected items.
- If there are no shopping lists, it displays "No shopping lists yet."