This is the test phase of Tokenphormer, the final version please ref
This is the code for our 2023 Research
Python == 3.8
Pytorch == 1.11
dgl == 0.9
CUDA == 10.2
graph-walker == 1.0.6
You can run each command in "commands.txt".
You could change the hyper-parameters of NAGphormer if necessary.
Due to the space limitation, we only provide several small datasets in the "dataset" folder.
For small-scale datasets, you can download them from
For large-scale datasets, you can download them from
pip install gdown
gdown --id 1G9Wn1OaqMYpkNmbOESYUFrDgzo0Be0-L -O dataset/
gdown --id 1KauMd-AJXyD6KQQnf4vySjRZEOgWQYvx -O dataset/
gdown --id 1uItY1AGywFv4nSSFpqBaTEUoDn3w414B -O dataset/
gdown --id 1VKHFQfRXkkVShE6d4hA9dImXZalz49qa -O dataset/mag_scholar_c.npz