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File metadata and controls

61 lines (46 loc) · 3.01 KB



This is the lastest version of document.You can see the original version here

we can only register users through sql now. done more like this is to consider the suitability of your project.


  • startalk uses cipher text password in back-end. this is the rules
  • User Id (signed it as user_id in this document) generation rules are: it can only contain lowcase letters, number, dash, underline and point.

  • you need to do the following after your information updating to take effect:

    • update host_users set version = version + 1 where user_id = xxx
    • update vcard_version set version = version + 1 where user_id = xxx

detailed steps

insert a user

insert into host_users (host_id, user_id, user_name, department, dep1, pinyin, frozen_flag, version, user_type, hire_flag, gender, password, initialpwd, pwd_salt, ps_deptid) values ('1', 'file-transfer', '文件传输助手', '/智能服务助手', '智能服务助手', 'file-transfer', '1', '1', 'U', '1', '1', 'CRY:fd540f073cc09aa98220bbb234153bd5', '1', 'qtalkadmin_pwd_salt_d2bf42081aab47f4ac00697d7dd32993', 'qtalk');

insert a vcard

insert into vcard_version (username, version, profile_version, gender, host, url) values ('file-transfer', '1', '1', '1', 'qtalk', '/file/v2/download/avatar/new/daa8a007ae74eb307856a175a392b5e1.png?name=daa8a007ae74eb307856a175a392b5e1.png&file=file/daa8a007ae74eb307856a175a392b5e1.png&fileName=file/daa8a007ae74eb307856a175a392b5e1.png');

db schema

host_users: id name description type 1 host_id domain id bigint 2 user_id user id text 3 user_name user name text 4 department department text 5 tel telephone No. text 6 email Post No. text 7 dep1 department level 1 text 8 dep2 department level 2 text 9 dep3 department level 3 text 10 dep4 department level 4 text 11 dep5 department level 5 text 12 pinyin Chinese Pinyin text 13 frozen_flag frozen user flag smallint 14 version data version(for update) integer 15 user_type user type(U) character 16 hire_flag employed smallint 17 gender gender,1(man)2(woman)0(undefine smallint 18 password password text 19 initialpwd is pwd initiailized smallint 20 ps_deptid based department id text 21 pwd_salt password salt character varying(200)
