- Update timezones info to 2020d (latest available in timezone-boundary-builder, though there is 2021a already...);
- Slight code style updates.
- Update timezones info to 2020a;
- Change timezone files naming to fix problems with zones named like
(@jotolo, #9); - Remove GeoRuby dependency: after profiling it turned out to be major slowdown, just copy-pasted sole relevant algorithm to work with bare JSON.
(unreleased due to some rubygems problem)
- Update timezones info to 2019b (latest available from timezone-boundary-builder)
- Data source updated to timezone-boundary-builder (tz_world_map, used previously, is deprecated)
- In (not so rare, as it turned out) case of ambigous timezone, instead of exception, just a list of timezones is returned
Fixed edge case (point slightly outside any of polygon).