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Michael Luggen edited this page Dec 7, 2021 · 9 revisions

Finally once your cube is transformed and annotated inside the Cube Creator, the last step is to publish the work to the public database, where it will be picked up by the various applications.

The publication is based on the last import or transformation. If you want to republish new data e.g. after replacing the CSV you need to first re-run the transformation. Every time a cube gets published, a new full version is pushed to the public database, deprecating the former version. The old versions are still available to ensure applications using those versions can stay alive.

To check before a publication

  • Check if all data and metadata is correct.
  • The cube is published in the chosen Status (draft/published) of the cube metadata (See below).
  • If the cube should be published to or, make sure that those options were set in the cube's meta-data .

Steps to publish

  • Click on the "start publication" button
  • The publication is started and added to the list of "Previous publications"
  • Once the icon turns to green, the cube is available in the public database
  • If the cube is marked as "Publish to" you can check in if the cube is available.

⚠️ Warning

It is not easily possible to un-publish data from the public database. Make sure that the published data is of non-sensitive nature.

See also manually removing a cube.

Different Publication Statuses (Published / Draft).

The publication stati influence the visibility of the cubes in the listings. The behavior of publishing the stati in different orders are listed below:

  • Draft only

    The Draft is shown in the visualize application in "draft" status.

  • Published after Draft

    The published version superseeds the draft version, the draft version is not listed anymore in visualize.

  • Draft after Published

    The published version stays the main version, the new draft version is shown in draft status.

Clarification about flags (Expired) and actions (Unlist, Delete)

Applications Expired Unlist Manually Delete
Cube-Creator N/A reversible republishable
Lindas (SPARQL) no effect no effect no more data
Visualize auto update no more usable no more visible
Existing charts auto update still visible empty
Opendata updated at the next harvesting no effect no more harvested

Expired (Publish in Cube Creator)

Every publication adds a complete version of a cube to the public database. At the same time the the previous versions are marked as expired. The Cube Creator sets automatically this flag following these rules:

  • A new published version expire all previous version.
  • A new draft version expire all previous draft version. Applications should allways refer to the last published version of a cube, or for testing purpose to the last draft version.

An expired cube is still fully accessible in public database.

Unlist (Unlist in Cube Creator)

Unlisting a cube flags all versions of this cube as expired. Applications based on the last published (ev. draft) version fail to find the cube and/or the data. Republishing a version of the cube (publish or draft) will make the cube available again.

Delete (Manual action on the Database)

Delete all data (and metadata) of a cube from the public database. Applications referencing this cube will fail or crash. Republishing a version of the cube (publish or draft) will make the cube available again.

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