Dockerized runner of Cube Creator projects
Usage: docker run --rm zazuko/cube-creator-cli [options] [command]
-h, --help output usage information
transform [options] Transforms source files to RDF
publish [options] publish cube to store
Usage: docker run --rm zazuko/cube-creator-cli transform [options]
Transforms source files to RDF
--to <targetName> (required) Target to write triples (built-in: 'stdout', 'filesystem', 'graph-store')
--job <job> (required) URL of a Cube Creator project job
--execution-url <executionUrl> Link to job execution
-v, --variable <name=value> Pipeline variables (default: {})
--debug Print diagnostic information to standard output
--enable-buffer-monitor enable histogram of buffer usage
--auth-param <name=value> Additional variables to pass to the token endpoint (default: {})
-h, --help output usage information
Usage: docker run --rm zazuko/cube-creator-cli publish [options]
Publish cube to store
--job <job> (required) URL of a Cube Creator project job
--execution-url <executionUrl> Link to job execution
-v, --variable <name=value> Pipeline variables (default: {})
--debug Print diagnostic information to standard output
--enable-buffer-monitor enable histogram of buffer usage
--auth-param <name=value> Additional variables to pass to the token endpoint (default: {})
-h, --help output usage information
The possible options and their arguments are described below. Each argument is
provided by the -v, --variable
option. For example
docker run --rm zazuko/cube-creator-cli transform --job URI -v targetFile=./converted.nt
Streams transformed triples to standard output
Streams transformed triples as n-triples to a single file
- default:
- default:
Streams transformed triples to a store using the graph protocol.
Does not require additional configuration, in which case will save to a graph provided by the Cube Project resource.
Can also be configured with env variables. Check .test.env
for example.
Here's an example of converting local files using a locally-built image:
Place source csv files in directory
(optionally) Ensure a fresh container is built
docker compose build cli
Run with
docker compose
docker compose run --rm cli transform \ --to filesystem \ --job <URI> --debug
If it is necessary to debug, the CLI can be started directly from sources. The package.json
has a transform
and publish
scripts which load environment variables from a .env
file (you have to create it locally as it is not committed).
The transform
script is missing the output parameter so that it can be provided from the command line. For example to print the result to the standard output run
npm run transform -- --to stdout
Note the additional double dash which npm