diff --git a/ontology/blueprint.ttl b/ontology/blueprint.ttl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a8a0f03
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ontology/blueprint.ttl
@@ -0,0 +1,200 @@
+@base .
+@prefix rdfs: .
+@prefix rdf: .
+@prefix owl: .
+: a owl:Ontology ;
+ rdfs:label "Blueprint Ontology" ;
+ rdfs:comment "This is the Blueprint Ontology" ;
+ owl:imports ;
+:Child a rdfs:Class ;
+ rdfs:label "Child" ;
+ rdfs:comment "insert text" ;
+:Composition a rdfs:Class ;
+ rdfs:label "Composition" ;
+ rdfs:comment "insert text" ;
+:CompositionLinkResult a rdfs:Class ;
+ rdfs:label "CompositionLinkResult" ;
+ rdfs:comment "insert text" ;
+:CompositionToCompositionLink a rdfs:Class ;
+ rdfs:label "CompositionToCompositionLink" ;
+ rdfs:comment "insert text" ;
+:CompositionToNodeLink a rdfs:Class ;
+ rdfs:label "CompositionToNodeLink" ;
+ rdfs:comment "insert text" ;
+:ConnectionPoint a rdfs:Class ;
+ rdfs:label "ConnectionPoint" ;
+ rdfs:comment "insert text" ;
+:Container a rdfs:Class ;
+ rdfs:label "Container" ;
+ rdfs:comment "insert text" ;
+:Hierarchy a rdfs:Class ;
+ rdfs:label "Hierarchy" ;
+ rdfs:comment "insert text" ;
+:Link a rdfs:Class ;
+ rdfs:label "Link" ;
+ rdfs:comment "insert text" ;
+:Table a rdfs:Class ;
+ rdfs:label "Table" ;
+ rdfs:comment "insert text" ;
+:TreeNode a rdfs:Class ;
+ rdfs:label "TreeNode" ;
+ rdfs:comment "insert text" ;
+:TreeRoot a rdfs:Class ;
+ rdfs:label "TreeRoot" ;
+ rdfs:comment "insert text" ;
+:UiClassCount a rdfs:Class ;
+ rdfs:label "UiClassCount" ;
+ rdfs:comment "insert text" ;
+:UiNode a rdfs:Class ;
+ rdfs:label "UiNode" ;
+ rdfs:comment "insert text" ;
+:UiSearchResult a rdfs:Class ;
+ rdfs:label "UiSearchResult" ;
+ rdfs:comment "insert text" ;
+:UiSearchResultItem a rdfs:Class ;
+ rdfs:label "UiSearchResultItem" ;
+ rdfs:comment "insert text" ;
+:cell a rdfs:Predicate ;
+ rdfs:label "cell" ;
+ rdfs:comment "insert text" ;
+:child a rdfs:Predicate ;
+ rdfs:label "child" ;
+ rdfs:comment "insert text" ;
+:colorIndex a rdfs:Predicate ;
+ rdfs:label "colorIndex" ;
+ rdfs:comment "insert text" ;
+:columnIndex a rdfs:Predicate ;
+ rdfs:label "columnIndex" ;
+ rdfs:comment "insert text" ;
+:count a rdfs:Predicate ;
+ rdfs:label "count" ;
+ rdfs:comment "insert text" ;
+:detail a rdfs:Predicate ;
+ rdfs:label "detail" ;
+ rdfs:comment "insert text" ;
+:faIcon a rdfs:Predicate ;
+ rdfs:label "faIcon" ;
+ rdfs:comment "insert text" ;
+:hasHeader a rdfs:Predicate ;
+ rdfs:label "hasHeader" ;
+ rdfs:comment "insert text" ;
+:hasRoot a rdfs:Predicate ;
+ rdfs:label "hasRoot" ;
+ rdfs:comment "insert text" ;
+:hasRow a rdfs:Predicate ;
+ rdfs:label "hasRow" ;
+ rdfs:comment "insert text" ;
+:hasUiLink a rdfs:Predicate ;
+ rdfs:label "hasUiLink" ;
+ rdfs:comment "insert text" ;
+:icon a rdfs:Predicate ;
+ rdfs:label "icon" ;
+ rdfs:comment "insert text" ;
+:instance a rdfs:Predicate ;
+ rdfs:label "instance" ;
+ rdfs:comment "insert text" ;
+:inverseLabel a rdfs:Predicate ;
+ rdfs:label "inverseLabel" ;
+ rdfs:comment "insert text" ;
+:key a rdfs:Predicate ;
+ rdfs:label "key" ;
+ rdfs:comment "insert text" ;
+:label a rdfs:Predicate ;
+ rdfs:label "label" ;
+ rdfs:comment "insert text" ;
+:link a rdfs:Predicate ;
+ rdfs:label "link" ;
+ rdfs:comment "insert text" ;
+:linkLabel a rdfs:Predicate ;
+ rdfs:label "linkLabel" ;
+ rdfs:comment "insert text" ;
+:pageNumber a rdfs:Predicate ;
+ rdfs:label "pageNumber" ;
+ rdfs:comment "insert text" ;
+:pageSize a rdfs:Predicate ;
+ rdfs:label "pageSize" ;
+ rdfs:comment "insert text" ;
+:parent a rdfs:Predicate ;
+ rdfs:label "parent" ;
+ rdfs:comment "insert text" ;
+:query a rdfs:Predicate ;
+ rdfs:label "query" ;
+ rdfs:comment "insert text" ;
+:result a rdfs:Predicate ;
+ rdfs:label "result" ;
+ rdfs:comment "insert text" ;
+:score a rdfs:Predicate ;
+ rdfs:label "score" ;
+ rdfs:comment "insert text" ;
+:searchPriority a rdfs:Predicate ;
+ rdfs:label "searchPriority" ;
+ rdfs:comment "insert text" ;
+:showAs a rdfs:Predicate ;
+ rdfs:label "showAs" ;
+ rdfs:comment "insert text" ;
+:showIn a rdfs:Predicate ;
+ rdfs:label "showIn" ;
+ rdfs:comment "insert text" ;
+:source a rdfs:Predicate ;
+ rdfs:label "source" ;
+ rdfs:comment "insert text" ;
+:target a rdfs:Predicate ;
+ rdfs:label "target" ;
+ rdfs:comment "insert text" ;
+:total a rdfs:Predicate ;
+ rdfs:label "total" ;
+ rdfs:comment "insert text" ;
+:value a rdfs:Predicate ;
+ rdfs:label "value" ;
+ rdfs:comment "insert text" ;
\ No newline at end of file