diff --git a/stack/fuseki-data/blueprint-class-metadata.ttl b/stack/fuseki-data/blueprint-class-metadata.ttl
index 96ac2d2..ac5c731 100644
--- a/stack/fuseki-data/blueprint-class-metadata.ttl
+++ b/stack/fuseki-data/blueprint-class-metadata.ttl
@@ -7,52 +7,143 @@ PREFIX flux:
PREFIX fluxSchema:
-PREFIX prov:
- a rdfs:Class;
- rdfs:label "Cleaned variable" ;
- rdfs:comment "Recoded collected variable" .
+ex:Repository a rdfs:Class ;
+ rdfs:label "Git Repository" ;
+ rdfs:comment "Repositories in GIT contain a collection of files of various different versions of a Project.";
-flux:CleanedVariableFluxClassInstance a fluxShape:ClassMetadataShape ;
- sh:targetNode ;
- rdfs:label "Cleaned variable" ;
- rdfs:comment "Recoded collected variable" ;
- fluxSchema:faIcon "fas fa-calculator" ;
+flux:GitRepositoryFluxClassInstance a fluxShape:ClassMetadataShape ;
+ sh:targetNode ex:Repository ;
+ rdfs:label "Git Repository" ;
+ rdfs:comment "Repositories in GIT contain a collection of files of various different versions of a Project.";
+ fluxSchema:faIcon "fab fa-git-square" ;
+ fluxSchema:colorIndex 3 ;
+ fluxSchema:searchPrio 3 ;
+k8s:Cluster a rdfs:Class ;
+ rdfs:label "Cluster" ;
+ rdfs:comment "K8S Cluster";
+flux:ClusterFluxClassInstance a fluxShape:ClassMetadataShape ;
+ sh:targetNode k8s:Cluster ;
+ rdfs:label "Cluster" ;
+ rdfs:comment "K8S Cluster";
+ fluxSchema:faIcon "fas fa-microchip" ;
+ fluxSchema:colorIndex 6 ;
+ fluxSchema:searchPrio 3 ;
+k8s:Namespace a rdfs:Class ;
+ rdfs:label "K8S Namespace" ;
+ rdfs:comment "In Kubernetes, namespaces provides a mechanism for isolating groups of resources within a single cluster. Names of resources need to be unique within a namespace, but not across namespaces. Namespace-based scoping is applicable only for namespaced objects (e.g. Deployments, Services, etc) and not for cluster-wide objects (e.g. StorageClass, Nodes, PersistentVolumes, etc)." ;
+flux:NamespaceFluxClassInstance a fluxShape:ClassMetadataShape ;
+ sh:targetNode k8s:Namespace ;
+ rdfs:label "K8S Namespace" ;
+ rdfs:comment "In Kubernetes, namespaces provides a mechanism for isolating groups of resources within a single cluster. Names of resources need to be unique within a namespace, but not across namespaces. Namespace-based scoping is applicable only for namespaced objects (e.g. Deployments, Services, etc) and not for cluster-wide objects (e.g. StorageClass, Nodes, PersistentVolumes, etc)." ;
+ fluxSchema:faIcon "fas fa-globe" ;
fluxSchema:colorIndex 1 ;
- fluxSchema:searchPrio 1 .
+ fluxSchema:searchPrio 3 ;
+k8s:Ingress a rdfs:Class;
+ rdfs:label "Ingress" ;
+ rdfs:comment "Ingress exposes HTTP and HTTPS routes from outside the cluster to services within the cluster. Traffic routing is controlled by rules defined on the Ingress resource." ;
+flux:IngressFluxClassInstance a fluxShape:ClassMetadataShape ;
+ sh:targetNode k8s:Ingress ;
+ rdfs:label "Ingress" ;
+ rdfs:comment "Ingress exposes HTTP and HTTPS routes from outside the cluster to services within the cluster. Traffic routing is controlled by rules defined on the Ingress resource." ;
+ fluxSchema:faIcon "fas fa-sign-in-alt" ;
+ fluxSchema:colorIndex 5 ;
+ fluxSchema:searchPrio 3 ;
- a rdfs:Class;
- rdfs:label "Variable" ;
- rdfs:comment "Collected variable" .
+k8s:Host a rdfs:Class ;
+ rdfs:label "Host" ;
+ rdfs:comment "K8S Host" ;
-flux:VariableFluxClassInstance a fluxShape:ClassMetadataShape ;
- sh:targetNode ;
- rdfs:label "Variable" ;
- rdfs:comment "Collected variable" ;
- fluxSchema:faIcon "fas fa-subscript" ;
+flux:HostFluxClassInstance a fluxShape:ClassMetadataShape ;
+ sh:targetNode k8s:Host ;
+ rdfs:label "Host" ;
+ rdfs:comment "K8S Host" ;
+ fluxSchema:faIcon "fas fa-server" ;
fluxSchema:colorIndex 2 ;
- fluxSchema:searchPrio 1 .
+ fluxSchema:searchPrio 3 ;
- a rdfs:Class;
- rdfs:label "Script execution" ;
- rdfs:comment "Script ran to calculate the dervied variable" .
+k8s:Deployment a rdfs:Class ;
+ rdfs:label "Deployment" ;
+ rdfs:comment "K8S Deployments" ;
-flux:ScriptExecutionFluxClassInstance a fluxShape:ClassMetadataShape ;
- sh:targetNode ;
- rdfs:label "Script execution" ;
- rdfs:comment "Script ran to calculate the dervied variable" ;
- fluxSchema:faIcon "fas fa-screwdriver-wrench" ;
+flux:DeploymentFluxClassInstance a fluxShape:ClassMetadataShape ;
+ sh:targetNode k8s:Deployment ;
+ rdfs:label "Deployment" ;
+ rdfs:comment "K8S Deployments" ;
+ fluxSchema:faIcon "fa-solid fa-puzzle-piece" ;
fluxSchema:colorIndex 3 ;
- fluxSchema:searchPrio 3 .
+ fluxSchema:searchPrio 3 ;
-prov:SoftwareAgent a rdfs:Class;
- rdfs:label "Software agent" ;
- rdfs:comment "Agent running the script execution" .
+k8s:StatefulSet a rdfs:Class ;
+ rdfs:label "StatefulSet" ;
+ rdfs:comment "K8S StatefulSets" ;
-flux:SoftwareAgentFluxClassInstance a fluxShape:ClassMetadataShape ;
- sh:targetNode prov:SoftwareAgent ;
- rdfs:label "Software agent" ;
- rdfs:comment "Agent running the script execution";
- fluxSchema:faIcon "fas fa-gears" ;
+flux:StatefulSetFluxClassInstance a fluxShape:ClassMetadataShape ;
+ sh:targetNode k8s:StatefulSet ;
+ rdfs:label "StatefulSet" ;
+ rdfs:comment "K8S StatefulSets" ;
+ fluxSchema:faIcon "fas fa-screwdriver" ;
fluxSchema:colorIndex 4 ;
- fluxSchema:searchPrio 4 .
\ No newline at end of file
+ fluxSchema:searchPrio 3 ;
+oci:Image a rdfs:Class ;
+ rdfs:label "Image" ;
+ rdfs:comment "K8S Images" ;
+flux:ImageFluxClassInstance a fluxShape:ClassMetadataShape ;
+ sh:targetNode oci:Image ;
+ rdfs:label "Image" ;
+ rdfs:comment "K8S Images" ;
+ fluxSchema:faIcon "fab fa-docker" ;
+ fluxSchema:colorIndex 5 ;
+ fluxSchema:searchPrio 3 ;
+oci:Repository a rdfs:Class ;
+ rdfs:label "OCI Repository" ;
+ rdfs:comment "OCI Repositories" ;
+flux:OciRepositoryFluxClassInstance a fluxShape:ClassMetadataShape ;
+ sh:targetNode oci:Repository ;
+ rdfs:label "OCI Repository" ;
+ rdfs:comment "OCI Repositories" ;
+ fluxSchema:faIcon "fas fa-database" ;
+ fluxSchema:colorIndex 6 ;
+ fluxSchema:searchPrio 3 ;
+oci:Registry a rdfs:Class ;
+ rdfs:label "OCI Registry" ;
+ rdfs:comment "OCI Registries" ;
+flux:RegistryFluxClassInstance a fluxShape:ClassMetadataShape ;
+ sh:targetNode oci:Registry ;
+ rdfs:label "OCI Registry" ;
+ rdfs:comment "OCI Registries" ;
+ fluxSchema:faIcon "fas fa-registered" ;
+ fluxSchema:colorIndex 7 ;
+ fluxSchema:searchPrio 3 ;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/stack/fuseki-data/blueprint-detail-metadata.ttl b/stack/fuseki-data/blueprint-detail-metadata.ttl
index ec17558..f8c2259 100644
--- a/stack/fuseki-data/blueprint-detail-metadata.ttl
+++ b/stack/fuseki-data/blueprint-detail-metadata.ttl
@@ -83,5 +83,4 @@ flux:DeploymentAnnotationTableShape a sh:NodeShape ;
sh:name "Value" ;
sh:order 20;
] ;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/stack/fuseki-data/blueprint-detail-new.ttl b/stack/fuseki-data/blueprint-detail-new.ttl
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29..0000000
diff --git a/stack/fuseki-data/blueprint-link-metadata.ttl b/stack/fuseki-data/blueprint-link-metadata.ttl
index b6ce5b5..65f74ab 100644
--- a/stack/fuseki-data/blueprint-link-metadata.ttl
+++ b/stack/fuseki-data/blueprint-link-metadata.ttl
@@ -1,24 +1,51 @@
PREFIX rdfs:
+PREFIX schema:
PREFIX fluxShape:
PREFIX flux:
PREFIX fluxSchema:
-PREFIX prov:
-flux:CleanedVariableToCleanedVariableLink a sh:PropertyShape, fluxSchema:Link ;
- sh:name "was derived from" ;
- sh:path prov:wasDerivedFrom;
- sh:class ;
- sh:targetClass .
-flux:CleanedVariableToVariableLink a sh:PropertyShape, fluxSchema:Link ;
- sh:name "was derived from" ;
- sh:path prov:wasDerivedFrom;
- sh:class ;
- sh:targetClass .
-flux:CleanedVariableToScriptExecutionLink a sh:PropertyShape, fluxSchema:Link ;
- sh:name "was generated by" ;
- sh:path prov:wasGeneratedBy;
- sh:class ;
- sh:targetClass .
\ No newline at end of file
+PREFIX k8s:
+PREFIX oci:
+k8s:Cluster a rdfs:Class .
+flux:NamespaceToClusterLink a sh:PropertyShape, fluxSchema:Link ;
+ sh:name "runs on" ;
+ sh:path k8s:cluster ;
+ sh:class k8s:Cluster ;
+ sh:targetClass k8s:Namespace ;
+flux:DeploymentToNamespaceLink a sh:PropertyShape, fluxSchema:Link ;
+ sh:name "belonogs to" ;
+ sh:path k8s:namespace ;
+ sh:class k8s:Namespace ;
+ sh:targetClass k8s:Deployment ;
+flux:DeploymentToImageLink a sh:PropertyShape, fluxSchema:Link ;
+ sh:name "container image" ;
+ sh:path k8s:image ;
+ sh:class oci:Image ;
+ sh:targetClass k8s:Deployment ;
+flux:ImagetoOciRepositoryLink a sh:PropertyShape, fluxSchema:Link ;
+ sh:name "hosted by" ;
+ sh:path oci:repository ;
+ sh:class oci:Repository ;
+ sh:targetClass oci:Image ;
+flux:OciRepositoryToRegistryLink a sh:PropertyShape, fluxSchema:Link ;
+ sh:name "hosted by" ;
+ sh:path oci:registry ;
+ sh:class oci:Registry ;
+ sh:targetClass oci:Repository ;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/stack/fuseki-data/provenance.ttl b/stack/fuseki-data/provenance.ttl
deleted file mode 100644
index 8e60072..0000000
--- a/stack/fuseki-data/provenance.ttl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17576 +0,0 @@
-PREFIX constances:
-PREFIX ddi:
-PREFIX prov:
-PREFIX rdf:
-PREFIX rdfs:
-PREFIX sdmx:
-PREFIX skos:
- rdf:type ;
- rdfs:label "AQ_FEMME_SeinEsthAn2_n"@en , "AQ_FEMME_SeinEsthAn2_n"@fr;
- dc:identifier "0bbdc2ea-af99-3903-b8d0-bd26aff48fdf";
- skos:definition "SQ-Women's Health-If ever undergone plastic surgery of the breasts, in what year : 2nd"@en , "AQ-Santé des Femmes-Si a déjà eu une intervention esthétique au niveau des seins, en quelle année : 2nd"@fr;
- prov:wasDerivedFrom , , ;
- prov:wasGeneratedBy .
- rdf:type ;
- rdfs:label "CP_FEMME_Enfkg_n"@en , "CP_FEMME_Enfkg_n"@fr;
- sdmx:expression "TODO";
- skos:definition "TODO: SQL AQ"@en , "À faire: SQL AQ"@fr;
- prov:wasAssociatedWith .
- rdf:type ;
- rdfs:label "V_Ordo"@en , "V_Ordo"@fr;
- sdmx:expression "TODO";
- skos:definition "TODO: SQL AQ"@en , "À faire: SQL AQ"@fr;
- prov:wasAssociatedWith .
- rdf:type ;
- rdfs:label "AQ_ALIM_FreqConsSodaAL_n"@en , "AQ_ALIM_FreqConsSodaAL_n"@fr;
- dc:identifier "bbc78d2b-642a-3e48-9f3e-8827808238ca";
- skos:definition "SQ-Eating Habits-How often do you usually drink soda, fizzy drinks (Coca cola, Orangina, Schweppes, etc.) DIET or ZERO"@en , "AQ-Alimentation-Habituellement, à quelle fréquence consommez-vous soda (Orangina, Schweppes...), boisson aromatisée sucrée LIGHT ou ZÉRO"@fr;
- prov:wasDerivedFrom ;
- prov:wasGeneratedBy .
- rdf:type ;
- rdfs:label "AQ_COMPORT_AlcDFortNbV_n"@en , "AQ_COMPORT_AlcDFortNbV_n"@fr;
- dc:identifier "bfb14666-ccaa-3ced-acfe-3ac5b0908684";
- skos:definition "SQ-Behaviour-Over the past week, sunday : number of standard glass of spirits (whisky, vodka, pastis, etc.)"@en , "AQ-Comportement-Au cours de la dernière semaine, dimanche : nombre de verre standard d'alcool fort (whisky, vodka, pastis, ...)"@fr;
- prov:wasDerivedFrom ;
- prov:wasGeneratedBy .
- rdf:type ;
- rdfs:label "AQ_FOYVIE_SoFinASpec_n"@en , "AQ_FOYVIE_SoFinASpec_n"@fr;
- dc:identifier "eab3ee13-504c-3e99-9ae9-d01a39db3058";
- skos:definition "SQ-Household-If you have given up certain care for yourself or your spouse because of financial problems, was this for: A consultation with a specialist doctor"@en , "AQ-Foyer-Si vous avez renoncé pour vous ou votre conjoint à certains soins pour des problèmes financiers était-ce pour : Une consultation d’un médecin spécialiste"@fr;
- prov:wasDerivedFrom ;
- prov:wasGeneratedBy .
- rdf:type ;
- rdfs:label "AQ_FEMME_PilDejUtilise_n"@en , "AQ_FEMME_PilDejUtilise_n"@fr;
- dc:identifier "140be7f0-50de-377c-ad17-e159c0d2bdcb";
- skos:definition "SQ-Women's Health-Have you ever used a contraceptive pill"@en , "AQ-Santé des Femmes-Au cours de votre vie avez-vous déjà utilisé la pilule contraceptive"@fr;
- prov:wasDerivedFrom ;
- prov:wasGeneratedBy .
- rdf:type ;
- rdfs:label "V_2Oui2Non"@en , "V_2Oui2Non"@fr;
- sdmx:expression "TODO";
- skos:definition "TODO: SQL AQ"@en , "À faire: SQL AQ"@fr;
- prov:wasAssociatedWith .
- rdf:type ;
- rdfs:label "AQ_ALIM_FreqConsBiscALPJ_n"@en , "AQ_ALIM_FreqConsBiscALPJ_n"@fr;
- dc:identifier "c8b39e9f-cde0-33ae-b9a6-55a37d3295f7";
- skos:definition "SQ-Eating Habits-If eat sweet biscuits, chocolate bars or cereal bars, sweets... low-fat each day, how many portions per day"@en , "AQ-Alimentation-Si consomme biscuits sucrés, barres chocolatées ou de céréales, bonbons... allégés tous les jours, combien de portion par jour"@fr;
- prov:wasDerivedFrom ;
- prov:wasGeneratedBy .
- rdf:type ;
- rdfs:label "AQ_FEMME_Enf3g"@en , "AQ_FEMME_Enf3g"@fr;
- dc:identifier "3393e109-9c50-3d11-b145-31181f01d01c" .
- rdf:type ;
- rdfs:label "V_NbParJour"@en , "V_NbParJour"@fr;
- sdmx:expression "TODO";
- skos:definition "TODO: SQL AQ"@en , "À faire: SQL AQ"@fr;
- prov:wasAssociatedWith .
- rdf:type ;
- rdfs:label "AQ_FOYVIE_EnvAnimalRong_n"@en , "AQ_FOYVIE_EnvAnimalRong_n"@fr;
- dc:identifier "0c9eacb2-2afa-3261-8492-bfa42630d103";
- skos:definition "SQ-Household-If currently have a pet, wich one : rodent"@en , "AQ-Foyer-Si actuellement, a un animal de compagnie, lequel : rongeur"@fr;
- prov:wasDerivedFrom ;
- prov:wasGeneratedBy .
- rdf:type ;
- rdfs:label "AQ_FEMME_GrossFauxcouch"@en , "AQ_FEMME_GrossFauxcouch"@fr;
- dc:identifier "3353bcf0-167b-3969-8105-326abc0a2583" .
- rdf:type ;
- rdfs:label "AQ_ALIM_RegRaisPPoids_n"@en , "AQ_ALIM_RegRaisPPoids_n"@fr;
- dc:identifier "fb5acb75-33fa-303b-9aa3-4d21c55d5d2e";
- skos:definition "SQ-Eating Habits-If following a diet, It's to avoid putting on weight"@en , "AQ-Alimentation-Si suit régime alimentaire, c'est pour ne pas prendre de poids"@fr;
- prov:wasDerivedFrom ;
- prov:wasGeneratedBy .
- rdf:type ;
- rdfs:label "V_Ordo"@en , "V_Ordo"@fr;
- sdmx:expression "TODO";
- skos:definition "TODO: SQL AQ"@en , "À faire: SQL AQ"@fr;
- prov:wasAssociatedWith .
- rdf:type ;
- rdfs:label "V_n"@en , "V_n"@fr;
- sdmx:expression "AQ_FEMME_CDiaph";
- skos:definition "TODO: SQL AQ"@en , "À faire: SQL AQ"@fr;
- prov:wasAssociatedWith .
- rdf:type ;
- rdfs:label "AQ_ALIM_FreqConsBiscAL"@en , "AQ_ALIM_FreqConsBiscAL"@fr;
- dc:identifier "502df362-e3f0-326e-85e9-6d40bff576ff" .
- rdf:type ;
- rdfs:label "V_Quanti"@en , "V_Quanti"@fr;
- sdmx:expression "TODO";
- skos:definition "TODO: SQL AQ"@en , "À faire: SQL AQ"@fr;
- prov:wasAssociatedWith .
- rdf:type ;
- rdfs:label "AQ_ALIM_RegRaisForm"@en , "AQ_ALIM_RegRaisForm"@fr;
- dc:identifier "bd76099d-60c4-3bf0-be63-ce151ab2bd83" .
- rdf:type ;
- rdfs:label "V_Quanti"@en , "V_Quanti"@fr;
- sdmx:expression "TODO";
- skos:definition "TODO: SQL AQ"@en , "À faire: SQL AQ"@fr;
- prov:wasAssociatedWith .
- rdf:type ;
- rdfs:label "AQ_FEMME_FrottisQui_n"@en , "AQ_FEMME_FrottisQui_n"@fr;
- dc:identifier "40d7f950-0097-351a-8f57-6a3e33382cec";
- skos:definition "SQ-Women's Health-If ever had one or more cervical smears, was this last smear test performed by"@en , "AQ-Santé des Femmes-Si a déjà eu un ou plusieurs frottis du col de l'utérus, ce dernier frottis a-t-il été réalisé par"@fr;
- prov:wasDerivedFrom ;
- prov:wasGeneratedBy .
- rdf:type ;
- rdfs:label "V_NonOuiPOuiB"@en , "V_NonOuiPOuiB"@fr;
- sdmx:expression "TODO";
- skos:definition "TODO: SQL AQ"@en , "À faire: SQL AQ"@fr;
- prov:wasAssociatedWith .
- rdf:type ;
- rdfs:label "V_Quanti"@en , "V_Quanti"@fr;
- sdmx:expression "TODO";
- skos:definition "TODO: SQL AQ"@en , "À faire: SQL AQ"@fr;
- prov:wasAssociatedWith .
- rdf:type ;
- rdfs:label "AQ_SANTE_SoufCoeur"@en , "AQ_SANTE_SoufCoeur"@fr;
- dc:identifier "9a1b7d49-3ffb-3c80-8c65-27be1e3f7697" .
- rdf:type ;
- rdfs:label "AQ_FEMME_MammoQui2_n"@en , "AQ_FEMME_MammoQui2_n"@fr;
- dc:identifier "8ce44e39-b814-36dd-ae25-7939f89bcf76";
- skos:definition "SQ-Women's Health-If ever had one or more mammographies, but last mammography was not performed in the context of an organised screening campaign, was it prescribed by"@en , "AQ-Santé des Femmes-Si a déjà eu une ou plusieurs mammographie(s), mais la dernière n'a pas été réalisée dans le cadre du dépistage organisé, vous a-t-elle été prescrite par"@fr;
- prov:wasDerivedFrom ;
- prov:wasGeneratedBy .
- rdf:type ;
- rdfs:label "AQ_ALIM_RepasOu"@en , "AQ_ALIM_RepasOu"@fr;
- dc:identifier "b9f53f07-0f9a-3815-bf7e-73a3e1ed9202" .
- rdf:type ;
- rdfs:label "AQ_SF12_FaitMoinsEmot_n"@en , "AQ_SF12_FaitMoinsEmot_n"@fr;
- dc:identifier "8bc49548-8a69-3cec-be36-adbdbc30a1fb";
- skos:definition "SQ-SF12-Over the last 4 weeks and due to your emotional state : Have you accomplished less than you would have liked"@en , "AQ-SF12-Au cours de ces 4 dernières semaines et en raison de votre état émotionnel : Avez-vous accompli moins de choses que vous auriez souhaité"@fr;
- prov:wasDerivedFrom ;
- prov:wasGeneratedBy .
- rdf:type ;
- rdfs:label "V_n"@en , "V_n"@fr;
- sdmx:expression "AQ_ALIM_RegRaisMed";
- skos:definition "TODO: SQL AQ"@en , "À faire: SQL AQ"@fr;
- prov:wasAssociatedWith .
- rdf:type ;
- rdfs:label "AQ_VIETRAV_RepSomDiff_n"@en , "AQ_VIETRAV_RepSomDiff_n"@fr;
- dc:identifier "c44c3484-087e-3307-87a7-441f4a632c0b";
- skos:definition "SQ-Life at Wok-If I put something back that I should have done that day, I have trouble getting to sleep"@en , "AQ-Vie au Travail-Quand j'ai remis à plus tard quelque chose que j'aurais dû faire le jour même, j'ai du mal à dormir le soir"@fr;
- prov:wasDerivedFrom ;
- prov:wasGeneratedBy .
- rdf:type ;
- rdfs:label "AQ_SOMMEIL_Ronfle"@en , "AQ_SOMMEIL_Ronfle"@fr;
- dc:identifier "ca74f053-3361-33a4-91ab-70d8bd3b7207" .
- rdf:type ;
- rdfs:label "V_OuiNon"@en , "V_OuiNon"@fr;
- sdmx:expression "TODO";
- skos:definition "TODO: SQL AQ"@en , "À faire: SQL AQ"@fr;
- prov:wasAssociatedWith .
- rdf:type ;
- rdfs:label "AQ_COMPORT_CaProp"@en , "AQ_COMPORT_CaProp"@fr;
- dc:identifier "e9100d6b-ca8c-3046-b148-e14a968c8d95" .
- rdf:type ;
- rdfs:label "V_Ordo"@en , "V_Ordo"@fr;
- sdmx:expression "TODO";
- skos:definition "TODO: SQL AQ"@en , "À faire: SQL AQ"@fr;
- prov:wasAssociatedWith .
- rdf:type ;
- rdfs:label "AQ_FEMME_IMGNb"@en , "AQ_FEMME_IMGNb"@fr;
- dc:identifier "cdacf1be-8c10-36cf-99f0-fbb26f237890";
- skos:definition "SQ-Women's Health-If ever had any therapeutic abortions, how many"@en , "AQ-Santé des Femmes-Si a eu une ou plusieurs IMG, combien"@fr .
- rdf:type ;
- rdfs:label "AQ_VIETRAV_SacrTrav_n"@en , "AQ_VIETRAV_SacrTrav_n"@fr;
- dc:identifier "b267dfa8-0a61-3cc4-869b-feefed44ad85";
- skos:definition "SQ-Life at Wok-My friends and family say that I give up too much for my job"@en , "AQ-Vie au Travail-Mes proches disent que je me sacrifie trop pour mon travail"@fr;
- prov:wasDerivedFrom ;
- prov:wasGeneratedBy .
- rdf:type ;
- rdfs:label "AQ_FEMME_Enf8Accouch"@en , "AQ_FEMME_Enf8Accouch"@fr;
- dc:identifier "43931aa2-12a8-3a06-8a59-499056d8dc24" .
- rdf:type ;
- rdfs:label "AQ_VIETRAV_FreqInterro"@en , "AQ_VIETRAV_FreqInterro"@fr;
- dc:identifier "c402fe7e-135a-3812-892e-3025b58b729f";
- skos:definition "SQ-Life at Wok-I am currently rushed for time due to a heavy workload"@en , "AQ-Vie au Travail-Je suis fréquemment interrompu(e) et dérangé(e) dans mon travail"@fr .
- rdf:type ;
- rdfs:label "AQ_FEMME_Enf9Sex"@en , "AQ_FEMME_Enf9Sex"@fr;
- dc:identifier "1b6cc578-07b7-3ccd-8d4f-a4687477f51f" .
- rdf:type ;
- rdfs:label "AQ_FEMME_TraitGyne_n"@en , "AQ_FEMME_TraitGyne_n"@fr;
- dc:identifier "3d3c1b31-637c-390f-8a68-7fb3fa75bf72";
- skos:definition "SQ-Women's Health-Are you currently taking a hormonal treatment for non-menopause-related gynaecological problems (e.g.: breast pain, fibroma, etc.)"@en , "AQ-Santé des Femmes-Actuellement, suivez-vous un traitement médicamenteux hormonal en rapport avec des problèmes gynécologiques, hors ménopause (par exemple pour douleurs aux seins, fibrome… )"@fr;
- prov:wasDerivedFrom ;
- prov:wasGeneratedBy .
- rdf:type ;
- rdfs:label "AQ_FOYVIE_EnvHorsConjCpt"@en , "AQ_FOYVIE_EnvHorsConjCpt"@fr;
- dc:identifier "c36b5858-6de4-37a9-887c-ec69c77775d5" .
- rdf:type ;
- rdfs:label "V_n"@en , "V_n"@fr;
- sdmx:expression "AQ_FOYVIE_SoFinELune";
- skos:definition "TODO: SQL AQ"@en , "À faire: SQL AQ"@fr;
- prov:wasAssociatedWith .
- rdf:type ;
- rdfs:label "AQ_VIESEX_RapSexDoulRet_n"@en , "AQ_VIESEX_RapSexDoulRet_n"@fr;
- dc:identifier "e84f04cb-a8ef-3b3a-88e2-b17451b2c875";
- skos:definition "SQ-Sex Life-If you experience pain during intercourse, how does this pain affect your intercourse"@en , "AQ-Vie Sexuelle-Si vous avez des douleurs au cours des rapports sexuels, de quelle manière ces douleurs retentissent-elles sur les rapports"@fr;
- prov:wasDerivedFrom ;
- prov:wasGeneratedBy .
- rdf:type ;
- rdfs:label "AQ_VIEIL_IADLTrans"@en , "AQ_VIEIL_IADLTrans"@fr;
- dc:identifier "a2f392e7-2533-308d-a617-c09d61c6ce11" .
- rdf:type ;
- rdfs:label "AQ_FEMME_Enf2Kg_n"@en , "AQ_FEMME_Enf2Kg_n"@fr;
- dc:identifier "308fe64d-74d6-3af2-8887-61aca44979fd";
- skos:definition "SQ-Women's Health-For each of your live-born children : 2nd - Weight (kg) at birth"@en , "AQ-Santé des Femmes-Pour chacun de vos enfants nés vivants : 2nd - Poid (Kg) à la naisasnce"@fr;
- prov:wasDerivedFrom ;
- prov:wasGeneratedBy .
- rdf:type ;
- rdfs:label "AQ_SF12_Modere_n"@en , "AQ_SF12_Modere_n"@fr;
- dc:identifier "ad1d82c2-b34d-3122-a161-8bb09b20136d";
- skos:definition "SQ-SF12-Are you limited due to your current state of health : Moderate physical efforts such as moving a table, hoovering, playing bowls"@en , "AQ-SF12-Etes vous limité(e) en raison de votre état de santé actuel : Efforts physiques modérés tels que déplacer une table, passer l'aspirateur, jouer aux boules"@fr;
- prov:wasDerivedFrom ;
- prov:wasGeneratedBy .
- rdf:type ;
- rdfs:label "AQ_FEMME_CCreme"@en , "AQ_FEMME_CCreme"@fr;
- dc:identifier "319bc8fb-7d11-3977-8fe8-c84612247d3c" .
- rdf:type ;
- rdfs:label "AQ_HANDICAP_Limit_n"@en , "AQ_HANDICAP_Limit_n"@fr;
- dc:identifier "c5fc65e3-35ef-32fc-9661-dbca024c96cb";
- skos:definition "SQ-Handicap-Over at least the past 6 months, have you been limited, i.e. do you experience difficulties due to a health-related problem, in performing routine activities (at home, at work, etc.) by comparison to other people of your age"@en , "AQ-Handicap-Depuis au - 6 mois, êtes-vous limité c'est à dire avez-vous des difficultés à cause d'un problème de santé, pour effectuer les activités courantes (à la maison, au travail, ...) en vous comparant aux personnes de votre âge"@fr;
- prov:wasDerivedFrom ;
- prov:wasGeneratedBy .
- rdf:type ;
- rdfs:label "V_1Oui2Non"@en , "V_1Oui2Non"@fr;
- sdmx:expression "TODO";
- skos:definition "TODO: SQL AQ"@en , "À faire: SQL AQ"@fr;
- prov:wasAssociatedWith .
- rdf:type ;
- rdfs:label "V_2Oui2NonNsprNc"@en , "V_2Oui2NonNsprNc"@fr;
- sdmx:expression "TODO";
- skos:definition "TODO: SQL AQ"@en , "À faire: SQL AQ"@fr;
- prov:wasAssociatedWith .
- rdf:type ;
- rdfs:label "V_Ordo"@en , "V_Ordo"@fr;
- sdmx:expression "TODO";
- skos:definition "TODO: SQL AQ"@en , "À faire: SQL AQ"@fr;
- prov:wasAssociatedWith .
- rdf:type ;
- rdfs:label "AQ_EXPOACT_Employeur_n"@en , "AQ_EXPOACT_Employeur_n"@fr;
- dc:identifier "fdb3f9d9-f27e-3c1d-baf0-30eaec78e61f";
- skos:definition "SQ-Occupational Exposures-Current Job-Are you employed by"@en , "AQ-Expos. Professionnelles-Emploi actuel-Etes vous employé par"@fr;
- prov:wasDerivedFrom ;
- prov:wasGeneratedBy .
- rdf:type ;
- rdfs:label "AQ_FEMME_RegleAbsDepuis"@en , "AQ_FEMME_RegleAbsDepuis"@fr;
- dc:identifier "52b51c03-4951-3e3c-8e96-92bbed906b77" .
- rdf:type ;
- rdfs:label "AQ_VIESEX_RapSexDoulRet"@en , "AQ_VIESEX_RapSexDoulRet"@fr;
- dc:identifier "a80f0130-d366-34d4-91e4-87da02e297d5" .
- rdf:type ;
- rdfs:label "AQ_FEMME_Enf8g"@en , "AQ_FEMME_Enf8g"@fr;
- dc:identifier "0064ec0e-7dc6-3b9d-8f57-2efbc14e4b67" .
- rdf:type ;
- rdfs:label "V_NbParJour"@en , "V_NbParJour"@fr;
- sdmx:expression "TODO";
- skos:definition "TODO: SQL AQ"@en , "À faire: SQL AQ"@fr;
- prov:wasAssociatedWith .
- rdf:type ;
- rdfs:label "AQ_COMPORT_Alc12mPaFair"@en , "AQ_COMPORT_Alc12mPaFair"@fr;
- dc:identifier "ef244b55-aa36-3484-8af0-b61364ece325" .
- rdf:type ;
- rdfs:label "V_n"@en , "V_n"@fr;
- sdmx:expression "AQ_FOYVIE_WebSujTaba";
- skos:definition "TODO: SQL AQ"@en , "À faire: SQL AQ"@fr;
- prov:wasAssociatedWith .
- rdf:type ;
- rdfs:label "AQ_HANDICAP_DifWrite_n"@en , "AQ_HANDICAP_DifWrite_n"@fr;
- dc:identifier "1332ef54-1466-3e5d-809b-ac42d7157bc2";
- skos:definition "SQ-Handicap-Do you have difficulty in everyday life : Writing (including with glasses)"@en , "AQ-Handicap-Dans la vie courante, éprouvez-vous des difficultés : D'écriture (y compris avec des lunettes)"@fr;
- prov:wasDerivedFrom ;
- prov:wasGeneratedBy .
- rdf:type ;
- rdfs:label "AQ_COMPORT_TcTabac"@en , "AQ_COMPORT_TcTabac"@fr;
- dc:identifier "96c75e76-453a-3ee2-a0a1-b7a2149c148f" .
- rdf:type ;
- rdfs:label "AQ_FEMME_Gross_n"@en , "AQ_FEMME_Gross_n"@fr;
- dc:identifier "736e2140-3c30-3d5a-b8f4-c6c19e3ecd58";
- skos:definition "SQ-Women's Health-Have you ever been pregnant, whatever the manner in which the pregnancy ended"@en , "AQ-Santé des Femmes-Avez-vous déjà été enceinte, quelle que soit la façon dont la grossesse s'est terminée"@fr;
- prov:wasDerivedFrom ;
- prov:wasGeneratedBy .
- rdf:type ;
- rdfs:label "V_Moins1OuPlus"@en , "V_Moins1OuPlus"@fr;
- sdmx:expression "TODO";
- skos:definition "TODO: SQL AQ"@en , "À faire: SQL AQ"@fr;
- prov:wasAssociatedWith .
- rdf:type ;
- rdfs:label "V_OuiNon"@en , "V_OuiNon"@fr;
- sdmx:expression "TODO";
- skos:definition "TODO: SQL AQ"@en , "À faire: SQL AQ"@fr;
- prov:wasAssociatedWith .
- rdf:type ;
- rdfs:label "AQ_COMPORT_AlcSApeNbV"@en , "AQ_COMPORT_AlcSApeNbV"@fr;
- dc:identifier "ad228243-9867-383f-9b04-6f53abc02f69" .
- rdf:type ;
- rdfs:label "AQ_SOMMEIL_HeurDormi"@en , "AQ_SOMMEIL_HeurDormi"@fr;
- dc:identifier "d3720d87-9a5c-3ee8-b741-53fbddabe676" .
- rdf:type ;
- rdfs:label "V_n"@en , "V_n"@fr;
- sdmx:expression "AQ_TMSQ_OpereAutrePs";
- skos:definition "TODO: SQL AQ"@en , "À faire: SQL AQ"@fr;
- prov:wasAssociatedWith .
- rdf:type ;
- rdfs:label "V_OuiNon"@en , "V_OuiNon"@fr;
- sdmx:expression "TODO";
- skos:definition "TODO: SQL AQ"@en , "À faire: SQL AQ"@fr;
- prov:wasAssociatedWith .
- rdf:type ;
- rdfs:label "AQ_ALIM_FreqConsFastPJ"@en , "AQ_ALIM_FreqConsFastPJ"@fr;
- dc:identifier "f5a011a5-e6e2-37fd-8d8e-ec1f94a64b3b" .
- rdf:type ;
- rdfs:label "AQ_ALIM_GrasArachid_n"@en , "AQ_ALIM_GrasArachid_n"@fr;
- dc:identifier "82842e92-2814-342f-95ca-25def19f30b1";
- skos:definition "SQ-Eating Habits-How often do you usually consume the following added fats : Ground nut oil"@en , "AQ-Alimentation-Habituellement, à quelle fréquence consommez-vous les matières grasses ajoutées suivantes : Huile d’arachide"@fr;
- prov:wasDerivedFrom ;
- prov:wasGeneratedBy .
- rdf:type ;
- rdfs:label "V_Ordo"@en , "V_Ordo"@fr;
- sdmx:expression "TODO";
- skos:definition "TODO: SQL AQ"@en , "À faire: SQL AQ"@fr;
- prov:wasAssociatedWith .
- rdf:type ;
- rdfs:label "V_Ordo"@en , "V_Ordo"@fr;
- sdmx:expression "TODO";
- skos:definition "TODO: SQL AQ"@en , "À faire: SQL AQ"@fr;
- prov:wasAssociatedWith .
- rdf:type ;
- rdfs:label "AQ_COMPORT_AlcSBierNbV"@en , "AQ_COMPORT_AlcSBierNbV"@fr;
- dc:identifier "c019d5c1-0a98-3fc1-bcad-6e82949b1a47" .
- rdf:type ;
- rdfs:label "AQ_FEMME_Enf2AllaitNbm"@en , "AQ_FEMME_Enf2AllaitNbm"@fr;
- dc:identifier "a3fc9410-d192-30fb-aa7f-03f6b981f9f9" .
- rdf:type ;
- rdfs:label "AQ_FOYVIE_WebSujCoca"@en , "AQ_FOYVIE_WebSujCoca"@fr;
- dc:identifier "f8b5ac8c-3778-3dd1-9f62-a286455972d8" .
- rdf:type ;
- rdfs:label "AQ_SANTE_Sf12Thorac"@en , "AQ_SANTE_Sf12Thorac"@fr;
- dc:identifier "a19beedc-f403-3f78-bc5f-3a08edd842a7" .
- rdf:type ;
- rdfs:label "AQ_HANDICAP_LimMigraine_n"@en , "AQ_HANDICAP_LimMigraine_n"@fr;
- dc:identifier "a12d846c-bab4-3f92-9a5d-2853f47ea97c";
- skos:definition "SQ-Handicap-If limited over at least the past 6 months, for what reasons : Migraine"@en , "AQ-Handicap-Si limitations depuis au moins 6 mois, pour quelle(s) raison(s) : Migraines"@fr;
- prov:wasDerivedFrom ;
- prov:wasGeneratedBy .
- rdf:type ;
- rdfs:label "AQ_FEMME_MenoAge_n"@fr , "AQ_FEMME_MenoAge_n"@en;
- dc:identifier "e8f40205-0a90-3364-bbec-7736750d8d09";
- skos:definition "AQ-Santé des Femmes-Si ménopausée, à quel âge avez-vous été ménopausée"@fr , "SQ-Women's Health-If post-menopausal, how old were you when you reached menopause"@en;
- prov:wasDerivedFrom , , ;
- prov:wasGeneratedBy .
- rdf:type ;
- rdfs:label "AQ_FEMME_RegleAbsDepuis_n"@en , "AQ_FEMME_RegleAbsDepuis_n"@fr;
- dc:identifier "8334de6e-3bdc-3cab-9523-aff2a2315e52";
- skos:definition "SQ-Women's Health-You have not had a period for 3 or more months : Is this since"@en , "AQ-Santé des Femmes-Vous n'avez pas eu vos règles depuis 3 mois ou plus : Est-ce depuis"@fr;
- prov:wasDerivedFrom ;
- prov:wasGeneratedBy .
- rdf:type