Any Contribution made by any person or entity, henceforth referred to as a Contributor, is an implicit acceptance of this Code of Conduct.
A Contribution can be considered any action taken towards the project's codebase or Contributors with the intention of altering the direction of the project in any capacity. Contributions can include - but are not limited to:
- changes to the codebase
- comments on changesets
- issue submissions
Any contributor to this project is expected to adhere to the guidelines defined in Sections 1 - 3.
To submit a change, fork the master branch, make your change, and submit a pull request to the test branch.
Don't be a jerk. Treat others with respect. Do not contribute to the project in bad faith, or for any reason that may stand outside of the goals of this project.
Lint your code. Don't wrap on an open parenth. Increment the version with every commit.
Make it work. Then make it fast.
Any apparent breach of this code of conduct can be reported to z3c0, who will assess the severity of the breach and whether or not any action should be taken in response.