yarn start
This will start your development server using gatsby. There is also yarn develop
because this is the default gatsby one and so it makes sense to keep it.
yarn dev:clean
This scripts cleans your .cache
folder and then runs yarn start
. If you are getting weird gastby errors it is sometimes caused by a stale .cache
folder and this script should fix it.
yarn storybook
This will run storybook so you can see our shared components.
yarn storybook:static
This command will build a static version of our storybook instance to storybook-static/
yarn start:lambda
We also have one lambda function that goes to meetup and gets our latest meetups to put them in contentful and if need to make any changes this is the script to run.
See here for details on how these are used.
We have two types of tests in place.
yarn test:snapshots
This will run all the tests inside our storybook instance that covers some of our shared components.
yarn test:e2e
Testcafe is our end-to-end web testing tool; we use it to make sure that the website work the way it is supposed to.
yarn test
This will run all test:** scripts
yarn lint
This will run eslint on all our project files.
yarn format
This will run prettier on all our files to assure code consistency.
yarn build:app
This command will build gatsby and the website.
yarn build:lambda
This command will build our lambdas using the netlify-lambda package.
See Netlify automated deployments for details on how the lambdas are used.
yarn build
This will run all our build:** scripts.
Any questions feel free to create an issue :)