Create a file that pretends to be a MongoDB collection. If you try to open the file, it will JSONify the collection and dump it back to you.
Because our enterprise database is file based, but our cloud based database isn't.
Files are simpler and don't break. The database operations we need to
perform aren't complicated and don't require high performance. By using
files there isn't a database that can fail. There's the added benefit
that if customers want to use different types of databases for
distributed systems, we can plug into any of them using a filedb
just have to make something that dumps out JSON .
Make sure you have FUSE installed.
- FUSE for OSX
- Ubuntu:
sudo apt-get install g++ libfuse-dev
And you'll need a collection with some data in it.
$ mongod
$ mongo
> use test
> db.people.insert({"username": "greg"})
> db.people.insert({"username": "phil"})
> db.people.insert({"username": "bob"})
> db.people.insert({"username": "samantha"})
$ pip install filedb
$ filedb /tmp/tutorial/mnt/ mongodb://localhost:27017/test people
$ cat /tmp/tutorial/mnt/db
[{ "_id": "52f104a7a0fb769e0cd0d1d4", "username": "greg" }
{ "_id": "52f104a9a0fb769e0cd0d1d5", "username": "phil" }
{ "_id": "52f104aca0fb769e0cd0d1d6", "username": "bob" }
{ "_id": "52f104aea0fb769e0cd0d1d7", "username": "samantha" }]
Upstart job.
# install the job
$ sudo cp -R overlay/* /
# or
$ wget
$ sudo mv filedb.conf /etc/init/filedb.conf
# start the job
$ sudo start filedb